Catching Her

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Two Days Later

I wake up to the sound of my phone ringing, who the fuck calls this early in the morning? I look at the screen to see it's a number that isn't saved in my contacts.

Rolling my eyes, I slide the button, "hello?"

"Hi, can I speak to Elizabeth Grey," the lady says

"This is her," I say sitting up, getting interested into the call

"So, you've recently applied for a job in Sephora at *random mall* correct?"

"Yes I have," I say proudly.
"Well, congratulations! You've got the job, now I'd like you to come in tomorrow at 11:30 so one of your coworkers can help you and teach you what you need to learn," she tells me.

"Okay, thank you so much," I tell her.

"No, thank you, and welcome to Sephora!" She says hanging the phone up.

10:38 am is printed on the screen of my phone, ugh I just wanna sleep! I lay back, bringing the covers over my head and quickly falling back to sleep.

1:06 PM

My flutter open and I yawn, stretching my arms, I unplug my phone and walk downstairs with my phone in hand.

I see Jasmine sitting cross legged on the couch with her laptop on her lap, looking at Kylie Cosmetics. "Oh! Buy me some highlight!" I say sitting next to her, causing her to jump.

"Jeez Liz!" She says slapping my arm, "you scared the crap out of me," She says causing me to laugh.

"Sorry, but can you get me that highlight," I say pointing to the gold colored one. Due to my skin color, I don't get the white one, it doesn't match. I'm not light skinned but I'm not really dark either, I'm more in the middle but a tad more to the lighter side.

"Fine," she groans, putting the item into her cart and continues to shop.

"Sephora called this morning, they woke me up at 10:30 in the morning, I was sleeping! Anyways, I got the job and I have to be there tomorrow by 11:30. Man, I hate waking up early," I groan.

"I can tell," she laughs.

"What's for breakfast?"

"Breakfast, was ready 4 hours ago," she says
"Fine then, I'll just starve," I say walking back upstairs.

I lay down on my bed before deciding on getting ready for the day. I grab my speaker and phone, then stripping my clothes after putting my shower playlist on.


I dry myself before putting on a nude shirt with some holes on the top, fish net stockings under ripped blue jeans, black Vans, with a black chocker and gold watch. I then decide to put my hair up into a bun and do my makeup which consists of eyeshadow, eyeliner, mascara, nude lipstick and highlight.

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