CHAPTER 7 * Black out *

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I stood there staring at what he called a tub. It looked more like a swimming pool to me. A mini swimming pool. A swimming pool that adjusted to your physical needs.

What did that even mean?

So far, I had done a good job of shelving my shock and just absorbing everything. I think I had absorbed too much because everything I had shelved came rushing to the front of my mind. Staring at the water beneath the tub's transparent cover pulled me deeper into my thoughts. I was in a trance. Everything else was blocked out. Every sound, every movement, everything.

I'm in space.

I'm on a space ship.

Aliens exist.

Does God exist?

Why did they take me?

Why am I here?

Why didn't they leave me tied up?

Is it because I would be powerless either way?

Will I ever see my family again?

Will they even miss me?

Will I ever go home?

Aliens are real.

They're not green and don't have gigantic heads.

They don't have tentacles for arms but look like me.

Or maybe they made themselves look like me.

What do I do?

I don't know how long I stood there, just replaying everything I had heard, everything I had seen.

It was on a continuous loop in my head.

I didn't know what to do with myself.

I guess I had been standing too long because my legs gave out. I fell to my knees but the pain didn't register. My head felt like it was going to explode from all this thinking.

I couldn't breathe anymore. The walls were closing in on me. Black spots started forming in my vision. I knew that I was going to black out. I didn't try to fight it. I welcomed unconsciousness because reality was too much to handle. I had never had a panic attack before, but I think I had experienced them several times now.

The black spots got bigger and bigger until they were all I could see.

Then, nothing.

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