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A/N Update: If you are coming back to the beginning of the story after have read further, please reread this chapter along with the others. Slight changes have been made that are very important to the story's plot!


"You can do this Cassie, just focus on the words," I convinced myself as I stared down at the manga book laying on my lap.

Amidst hours of cleaning my room and rearranging everything, I stumbled upon my 3-in-1 volume of Inuyasha that my dad had bought for me a few months back but never got around to reading. I had set it aside so I could read it later when I finished cleaning. And guess what? It's later.

I had tried reading the first few pages of it, but my mind kept on wandering. And no, I don't have ADHD. I just have a very short attention span. I've read fanfictions about Inuyasha, but I wanna know exactly how it all started.

I know who a lot of the main characters are, though I'm not 100% clear on their abilities. I know only some of the enemies, the main being Naraku and some of his incarnations. After a little more silent coaxing from myself, I finally brought all of my attention to the manga.


I allowed the book to flip shut as I stared blankly at the wall in front of me.

"Holy. Shit," I breathed out.

"I HAVE to buy the next volume!!" I cried out before reaching for my iPhone lying on the nightstand next to me.

After ordering the next volume off of Amazon, I set my phone down and lay back onto my bed. I stared up at the ceiling as I began imagining different scenarios of the Inuyasha manga. Eventually, all of this led up to me imagining myself in the Inuyasha world, just like I always did when thinking about manga.

"I bet I'd be a kick ass character," I thought aloud as I allowed a goofy grin to spread across my face.

Before I could imagine anything else, my iPhone let out a shrill ring causing me to jump and let out a high pitched noise myself. I hurriedly picked up my phone only to realize that it was just a story update on Wattpad. I sighed and laid my head back on my pillow. I'd better get to sleep, it's already late as it is.

'If only manga was real,' I thought with a sad sigh. With that last thought, I fell into a deep sleep.


Outside the sleeping girl's window, a lone, transparent figure appeared. As silent as the wind, the figure eased the window up a tiny crack before slipping inside. No feet touched the ground as the figure drifted towards the bed that held the sleeping girl.

Reaching out a hand and lightly brushing their fingers against the girl's forehead, the figure whispered in their feminine voice, "Much strength lies behind such an innocent face. Gladly, I shall grant your wish."

Trailing their fingers down to the girl's neck, they traced their fingers along her collar bone. A bright light followed the movements of the figure's finger, and when they pulled back, a silver chain with a red pendant had appeared around the girl's neck.

A small smile graced the figure's face as she stared down at her gift to the girl. "Now for the final touch," mumbling to herself, the figure leaned down and placed a chaste kiss upon the girl's forehead. And in a flash of light, the two were gone. The only indication of their leave being the empty bed and the wind creeping in through the cracked window.


A/N: Sorry about the short chapter, but the others will be longer.

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