I'm confused

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Time skip

I was at home. The kitchen was full of delicious smells and sharp scents of different spices. Tonight I had this desire of something awesome and healthy, like Ratatoullie with bread and a selfcreated sauce. As the meal was ready, I sat to the table and reached the spoon.

While I was eating, I watched another anime, Attack on Titan.

Yeah...It's brutal, but I love Levi.

His black hair and eyes...AWWWWW I LOVE HIIM!

To summarize the video call with Seven:

We first had asmall talk...about weather and well-being.

He teased me many times and we laughed together, by the way...My new Nickname is now Miss. Brat and his is Mister Cat Abuser.

But when I thought about that, he always began to flirt and I joined it and atleast we find ourselfs in a awkward or cringie moment.

Our conversation ended always that he must go back to work because of the EM. More and more I missed him and I started to check my phone all two minutes. This drove me insane. I groaned frustrated and tried to distracted meas I cleaned the kitchen.

Two hours later I went to bed.

I didn't looked on my handy when I fell asleep.

Time skip

Today I woke up as the bell rang. I was first shocked and sat aprubtly, wondering who it was. Tired I walked to the door and opened her, without thinking. There stood a cute supplier with a big packet, on which was 'Zalando' written. I chuckled and rubbed my eyes. As I wanted to took the packet, the supplier blushed and began to hesitate.

"Miss...You ain't dressed!"

I looked down and noticed that I slept again in my underwear, just without sweater this time.

"Excuse me...but could you please give me my clothes? I get nothing in here!"

He stared a long moment at my boobies, until I pinched him by his nose.

"Don't stare at them like their Jesus or something! Give me my clothes!"

Annoyed I teared off the packet and slammed the door.


I put the packet on the table and picked up a scissor in the kitchen to open it. I was excited while I opened the packet.

You: The clothes are here!

No answer.

Maybe he had something to do and can't answer, or his smartphone has no battery.

I joined a new chatroom with Yoosung and Zen, which seemed to chat about gaming.

Zen: Hello!

You: Hi Zen

Yoosung: How r u ?

You: I'm fine,thanks. What were u talkin bout?

Zen: That Yoosung should quit playing LOLOL

Yoosung: But...

Zen: NO u r so addicted to it

You: How longdo u play it?

Yoosung: Since two years...

You: With no break or something? Do u go to university or do u miss it?

Zen: I think he do!

Yoosung: No I doesn't!

You: Is this the truth?

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