Chapter One.

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AUTHORS NOTES- this is my first story on wattpad so don't make fun of this story ;p


Most girls would freak if they knew that my Aunt was One Directions hairstylist but not me. I didn't really know who they were. Anyway, my mom is forcing me to go with her and help with Baby Lux since my Aunt was always so busy with the boys, and she didn't have anybody to take care of her baby. I really didn't want to spend my summer babysitting.

I could be clubbing, and hooking up with guys, but no instead I have to babysit. I arrived  at my Aunts house she was still packing so i went to go look at Lux. In my mind I thought she would be at least one year old but to my surprise she was just a newborn. She looked so cute sleeping in her pink crib. I left quietly so I wouldn't wake wake her up.

"Chanel can you carry Lux to her car-seat we're almost going to leave!" My Aunt yelled from the kitchen, she was probably making Lux's baby bottles. "OK!" I replied. I went to Lux's room and held my arms in a position that I could carry her without waking her up, I made my way to my Aunts Range Rover and opened the  door. I buckled Lux in her car seat. I  sat on the other seat of the car seat, I was staring at baby Lux, admiring her chubby cheeks and her rose pink lips.I peered over the drivers seat and I found my Aunt struggled to get her seat belt buckled.

"are you ready?" she asked me " Yeah, are you?" i said looking at her feet since she was only wearing one shoe on "uh yeah ill just put it on the bus when we get there" she said .

 Bus?! were traveling in a bus. great. We arrived were the tour buses were parked and a buff but chubby man came running towards us "Lou good to see you again" he said as he was carrying our luggage into the tour buses. "Paul this is my niece, Chanel" she gestured towards me. Paul went to the tour bus and began putting Aunt Lou and Baby Lux luggage in the side of the bus revealing a carrier, as I was about to put my luggage in the carrier Paul stopped me  "Chanel I'm very sorry but  your going to have to room with the boys since we don't have enough room in our bus" Paul said pointing to the tour bus behind us. " erm..ok" I said, hopefully they're cute. "Chanel you should go to the  bus already and pick a bunk before the boys get here, they're kind of a mental bunch" she said jokingly. I made my way over the tour bus and I threw my luggage in under the  second but larger tour bus before hoping on. I was surprised that it was actually quite big in here. There was a table for eating, obviously, a microwave, cabinets, and two couches on either sides of the bus. I reached the where the bunks were and I decided  to pick the middle bunk since I was to lazy to climb to the top and I'm not that short for the bottom bunk. I pulled the velvet curtain and stuck my head in.

"Oi! who are you?" someone said, it caught me off guard. I let out a small yelp as I hit my head on the top of the bunk. I raised my eyes to see the most prettiest boy I have ever laid eyes on.  His brown hair was a heap of pure sex on his head, and his eyes were a piercing blue and his mouth had a playful smirk to it. He had a blue and white striped shirt and blue pants rolled up to his ankles. Well now this is awkward since we were basically wearing the same thing. " Sorry, my names Chanel" I said as I rubbed my head. Ouch. way to make a first impression. he gave me a confused look " I'm sorry but do I know you?" "erm, no but i'm-" I was about to say when I got cut of  by another British voice "Louis you better not have take the middle bunk!" he said as he came running onto the bus.

His curls were floping all over the place as he crashed into the man who I believe name was Louis. He was about to say something to him until he saw me, I gave him a small wave. " Harry, this here is Chanel she's american, and that's all I actually know" Louis said. "I'm actually going to be touring with you, I'm helping my Aunt Lou with Baby Lux and they didn't have enough room in the other tour bus" I said both pairs of eyes were staring into mine, I was going weak to my knees. " I call the top bunk" said another british accent, what was it with these britsh accents..oh yeah they're a british boy band. "we've got ourselves a Chanel" louis informed, not taking his eyes off of me.

The two boys moved aside to reveal a more tan boy. His hair was mostly covered by a gray beanie and despite the Ray bans sunglasses he had on I could tell that he was HOT. My assumption were right, as he peered over his shades, revealing Carmel eyes and his eyelashes that were longer than mine. I saw his eyes traveling up my body until he met my eyes before adjusting his RayBan's back on.

"How delightful" he said in a rather bored voice, He made his way past me and disappeared into what I think was the bathroom. "Don't mind him, that's how he normally is" Louis said jokingly. Louis made his way to the top bunk he propped his head up with his elbow and smiled down at me.

"How old are you?" he asked as Harry climbed on the bunk with him but on the opposite end. Wait were they gay? it sure looked like it from the wink that Louis gave Harry.

"18" I said staring at both of the guys.

"single" Harry said with a mischievous smile.

"Yup" i said popping the 'p'. 

"Boys, does anyone have water, Niall ate something he wasn't supposed to it was a-" A boy appeared with a simple white T-shirt and dark jeans and he was holding a blonde boy under his arm. "Hello!" he said politely. I tried not to melt his voice was so deep and his arms were sculpted and his face was so...perfect. 

"I'm Liam"

"Chanel" I said pushing my hair back 

"um do you mind givin' me a hand?" The Blondie said,  who I believes name was Niall

"Sure, what did he eat?" i grabbed one of his hands and pulled him up. His blond head rested on my shoulder. Poor kid. We sat Niall down on the couch as he groaned and held his stomach. 

"stop being sucha drama queen" zayn said as he sat down on the couch oppostie from Niall, tapping away on is blackberry.

"Stop being such a prick Zayn" Niall exclaimed. Irish. Thats new.


END NOTES: i know that its not that good but this my first story. 

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