Chapter Two:

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Elsa's POV:

Me and Punzie walked to the cafeteria. We chose our usual table that we sat at last year

when we were freshman's. We sat there and talked while waiting for Merida, she was

at archery club.

" So I hear you already ran into someone today." She Said.

" Wait what? How did you know." I asked in shock.

" Merida. And also I saw you guys run into each-other this morning." She explained.

Great. Seems like everyone is going to know soon. Merida has a big mouth and she

won't ever shut up. She's almost like a sponge always absorbing information, and then

telling everyone.

But at times I trust her. And she can keep secrets, just not all of them. Merida was

finally done with archery club.

" Merida!" I yelled, while waving my hand trying to get her attention.

" Ey Guys, you can not believed what just happened!" She squealed.

" uhm. What happened?" Me and Punzie said in unison.

" Well, I was walking down the hallway and I fell over something. Wasn't sure what.

And I thought I was gonna fall over and hurt myself so I lost balanced and Hiccup

Caught me!" She Explained.

" OMG Mer!" I squealed.

" How Cute." Punzie said.

" Ikr!" Merida Yelled.

We continued talking and we bought our lunches, I ate a sandwich and some orange

juice. Punzie ate a Pizza and a soda, while Merida was so happy that she just ate

an apple.

I was starving since I missed breakfast.

I looked over Punzie's head and saw Jack smiling. I was blushing.

" Why are you blushing?" Punzie asked.

" I'm not blushing." I said while slouching.

Merida looked over to the direction I was looking at and saw jack.

" You like Jack don't you?" She asked.

" What of course not, I just met him today." I said.

" You can't hide your feelings forever Els." Punzie said.

" I'm not." I said, still slouching.

I did not like Jackson Overland Frost. He's not that cute anyways, I barely even know

him. And look at him he probably has a girlfriend.

" I can talk to him for you, I mean, if you want." Merida said.

He was hiccups best friend so I didn't need anyone's help, since I didn't like him.

" I don't need you talking to him for me." I said.

" I don't even like him." I continued.

" Mmk, whatever you say Els." Punzie said.

URGHH. Friends sometimes. I wanted to talk about me running into him, but they will

get the wrong idea of me liking him.

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