Chapter Six

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I don't even know...    


        It was the second day in the game. Game. More like a messed up prison. Anyways, everyone had met up in Honokas guild house for a Guild Meeting. They were talking outside, near the entrance. Suddenly, someone entered, and everyone turned to see who it was.

      Yayashi. Everyone was silent, and he looked over all of them slowly. Then, he pointed his index finger and turned his arm to point at each one of them in turn. When he was in the middle of pointing his finger from left to right, he said, loud and clear, "I hate all of you."

       Then he turned right around, and before stepping out, paused. He looked over his shoulder at Dalt and said, "I'll be waiting for that vodka." Then he gave them his gayest smile and giggle, and exited.

      Fluffs laughed, as she had learned to take Yayashi's strange antics. Ah, the secrets..

      Most everyone had a puzzled face, but they shrugged it off. So Yayashi wanted to go rouge? Cool.

      "Does anyone know what the first test is?" Dante asked, the unspoken leader of this strange group.

      Honoka, as usual, added his voice into the conversation, "It's supposed to come in a week, the Admins are giving us time to prepare."

     After some more discussion on food, supplies, and shelter, they all dissipated and went off to do their own stuff. Fluffs pulled Banana aside, who had told her earlier that they needed to talk.

     "Banana, what is it?" Fluffs asked.

      Banana seemed to prepare herself mentally. "I'm going to meet Sean."

      Fluffs' eyes widened, and she whispered, "You can't be serious, if anyone found out.."

      They quickly learned that in this game, you dont mingle. Stay in your own group, and dont trust anyone. Sean.. A rouge. And Rouges, well, weren't treated well. Unless they were strong, they were easy pickings for guilds to cheat off and steal from. In this particular guild, mingling at all was forbidden. Dante wouldnt risk infiltration or sabotage.

       "I don't care." Banana whispered fiercely, eyes flashing. "I'm going. But I need you to come with me."

      Fluffs hesitated. If they got caught, they would possibly get kicked out and get killed, but if they did go it was a small chance of getting caught, and even smaller that Dante would actually kick them out.

      "I'll go."

       -An Admins POV-

((A/N Ah, surprise surprise ;) nyahahha... ))

      It was dark. Thats what she hated the most, the impending darkness. And the silence.. the echo of her footsteps in the cold hallways rang against the walls. The walls themselves were a dark, crappy, brown. The floor was covered in a dark red neverending carpet, with golden embroidery at the edges. Its stank of dust and mouse droppings.

      She took a left. It was overdramatic, having her wear the long swishy cape but you take what you get.

      She showed the gaurd her ID, and he let her down into the dungeon.

      Dungeon. Way too dramatic.

       Her boots were especially loud on the concrete stairs that led downwards, echoing against the bare grey walls. Wails were emanating from below, and she shuddered, the hairs on the back of her neck and arms standing up. Goosebumps covered her exposed skin.

      She got to the bottom of the seemingly neverending spiral staircase. Ahead of her wad a dark grey hallway with flickering lightbulbs hanging from the ceiling every few yards. It was all too soon when she reached her sisters cell.

      Peanut looked up, noticing her sisters commanding silhouette against the pale light coming from the nearest light bulb. She glowered, and looked back down at the floor at her feet. "What do you want..?"

     Butter felt a pang in her chest, but refused to let any emotion show on her face. She was in a very dangerous situation, and couldn't risk being thought a traitor. "I came to tell you some news."

      Peanut scoffed, and leaned back against the cold wall, crossing her arms against her chest. She raised her chin, restoring some dignity. "Well? Here to kill me? Your own sister?" She felt a bitter laugh bubble up in her chest, but swallowed it down. She wasnt going insane just yet.

      Butter felt like.. "No. The Council have decided to use you for our own use." Crap.

     Confusion appeared on Peanuts face. "What do you mean..?" She asked warily. This couldn't be good.

     Butter turned to leave, her cape swishing. "You'll see." Her boots clicked, and her cape swished. So effing dramatic.


;_; My self esteem right now is a zero ugh


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