Chapter 1

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9 years ago

The community gathered together, merging into one gigantic crowd as they waited. For what, they did not know. The only people who knew what this special event was for was the Marka family. A father, a great smile of pride on his face. A mother, her golden blonde hair shining like gold in the sun and a soon to be older sister, standing beside her mother, nervous energy coursing through her body.

When a new child is born into a family with an older sibling, that child worries. No body but that child knows why they were terrified. Their society was still learning how a child's mind worked, and they were still at the same place they were when they started. Each child had a reason behind their felling of terror. Maybe jealously. Maybe worry that the child won't make it. Maybe that they won't get along with the new born child. Normal older sibling jitters. That's what everybody thought was going through Eve's head. Well, they were wrong.

She wasn't worried about what happened to the child. She was worried that her new born sister or brother would become a Blank, meaning that someday, since she was loyal to Liviana, she would have to kill her. A screech interrupted her train of thoughts and her eyes shifted to the stage, located in the middle of the society's center. A man, about the age of 20, was standing on the stage, trying to stop the sound vibrating through the air. As the sun started heading in his direction, the beads of sweat covering his face were more visible. His eyes, were big as he fumbled with the mic. Another loud screech filled the air as he dropped the mic on the stage. Mumbling as he bent down to pick it up, it was obvious to tell he was a nervous wreck. Or just VERY clumsy.

"S-sorry about that. I-I'm kinda new at this." He glanced over at an older man, standing off to the side. A slight shake of the man's head sent him into a panic attack mode. He just stood there, staring out at the crowd. I could just make out his mouth moving, but there were no words. The man shook his head in disappointment. This young man had just shown a disgrace to their society.

"Get him off the stage." Two guards marched up onto the stage, in perfect unison, their feet landing together, their chests rising and falling together. Before the man realized what was going on, he was half way down the steps.

"No, wait. I-I'm sorry. I was just nervous..." His voice was cut off as they turned a corner. The air was silent, yet it was alive with anticipation, waiting to find out this man's fate. This had never happened before because in their community, everything was perfect. No faults, no mishaps, no mistakes. Just perfection. Except for the Blanks.

If a family was born with a Blank, they were disgraced and not honored as much as before. Eve's parents weren't worried though, because there hadn't been a Blank for as long as they could remember. They were all Writtens. Even with that factor thrown in, Eve still had a sinking feeling in her stomach. The older man slowly approached the stage, his footsteps slow and steady, certain. His eyes, for a second, had a spark of rage in them, but they disappeared, like flash of light that comes and goes. A vibrating sound, noticeable, yet softer than the screeching filled the air as the man tapped the microphone.

"Hello Everyone! I am so sorry for the inconvenience. It has been taken are of." Unlike the young man, his stance was strong, his voice clear and sure of himself. I smiled as he continued speaking to the crowd, trying to calm them down. If this continued like planned, I may possibly have another loyal. This new born's sister was very clever, very mischievous. I had been keeping my eye on her since she was born. Now, she wasn't old enough yet, but soon enough, she would be a big addition to her plan. Just a few more years...

" I know you've all been waiting for an explanation. We are proud to present that we have added another member to our society." Whispers and mumbling broke out in the crowd and it took a few tries before the man could settle them down again. Once again, he cleared his throat.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2014 ⏰

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