In Which Joey Attempts To Kick Johnny's Ass.

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You walk through the bar, two drinks clutched in your hands, dodging dancers and drunks left and right. Looking around, you fail to locate your boyfriend, Joey, in the stuffy atmosphere. You sigh irritably, your head swivelling almost comically, hoping to catch a glimpse of his long brown locks.

In the middle of wondering to yourself how you could possibly lose a gangly, 6"6 man with enough hair to smother an infant with in a rather small bar, you were startled by a sudden body in your path.

Swaying a little in order to avoid spilling the drinks in your hands, you look up at the man in your way, and recognise him as Johnny Ramone, guitarist, republican, and man who was not so cool with Joey in general.

He seemed a little out of it, and judging by his breath and glassy-eyed demeanour, he had had more than a few drinks throughout the course of the evening. The way he was looking at you made you feel a little more than uncomfortable, especially when his eyes occasionally flicked up and down over your body. Gross.

'Johnny! Have you seen Joey? I have his drink.' You raise the glass in your left hand a little. He doesn't answer. His eyes don't leave your face. If you had a free hand, you would try to click your fingers in his face to wake him up.

'Johnny...? Johnny? You good, man?' you ask, a little concerned.

He blinks hard and answers, his words coming out slow and slurred; ' 'm good, 'm good... haven't seen Joey in a while...'

'Oh, he must have gone outside for a smoke then.' you suggest. You begin to turn away but you turn back;
'Do you want me to call a cab or something? You look pretty fucked up.'

Johnny shakes his head 'No, no, I'm fine... mayy-be you should stay here though... 'n take care of me...'

You hesistate. You didn't want Johnny to get into any trouble but you also didn't want Joey showing up and getting the wrong idea. You decide it would be best to stay with Johnny and shove him into a cab at the first opportunity.

'Alright John, let's sit down.' As you spoke, two men exited their seats, clinging to each other as they walked out the door. You place the drinks down on the now vacant table and attempt to guide Johnny into his seat.

However, instead of sitting down, he grabs your waist and holds you tightly. When you attempt to break free he holds on tighter, surprisingly strong for someone so pissed.

'Johnny, let me go.' you tell him sternly 'Now.' It feels like telling off a toddler who won't let go of his mother on the first day of school.

Johnny doesn't answer, only places his other hand on your cheek. He dives in for a kiss, but misses your lips when you turn your head.

'Johnny, no, get the fuck off me!'

His only response is to grab your cheek tighter and jam his lips to yours. He tastes like hard liquor and smoke, which is not a great experience. The shock of the fact that Johnny Ramone is kisisng you leaves you shellshocked, and you can't find the braincell that would tell you to react.

The kiss is only halted when you feel two arms pull you away from him and you hear an incredibly pissed-off sounding voice:
'What the fuck is this?!'

Johnny looks dazed and his eyes travel upwards to see an indescribably angry Joey Ramone.

Even in his intoxicated state he can tell how much shit he's in, and tries to fuck right off out of there but is stopped when Joey grabs him by the lapels of his leather jacket and throws him against a wall.

You scream and throw yourself onto Joey, trying to hold him back.

'Joey, for fucks sake, no! Don't hurt him!'

Johnny tries to hobble away into the crowd, which is starting to notice what's going down.

'Come here, you little asshole!' Joey ignores you and keeps going for Johnny, who's trying to hide in the crowd but is deterred when it parts like the red sea around him.

'Joey, listen! Don't! He doesn't know what the fuck he's doing!' you scramble in front of Joey to try and push him back from the front.

'That fucker knew exactly what he was doing, and I'm gonna kick his fuckin' ass!'

Joey however doesn't get the chance to kick Johnny's ass, because before you know it, the bouncers throw you both onto the curb. It takes you a moment to recalibrate, but soon you carefully stand up and walk over to Joey.

He picks up his glasses which fell in the gutter, wipes them on his shirt, and puts them on. He turns to you and says nothing.

'Look, Joey, I know how that looked,' you start, 'but that was completely one-sided, really.'

'Oh, "really"? I didn't see you complaining." he huffs, looking down.

'I didn't know what to do! When he tried the first time I told him to stop, to fuck off, but he kept going and he wouldn't let go of me and-' You feel the side of your face as it starts to ache. 'Ow.'

Joey looks at you with concern and pulls you into the light of the street lamp to get a better look at your face.

'Shit. I think that's gonna bruise.' He strokes the area gently and looks at you tenderly through his rose-tinted glasses.

'It'll be fine, an easy cover-up.' You look away, ashamed.

'Listen.' Joey takes you gently by the chin and lightly lifts your face upwards, a sharp contrast to your encounter with Johnny from earlier in the evening, 'I'm sorry for acting like that was your fault. I know it wasn't, I was just...' he sighs in frustration. 'I acted like a hormonal teenager in there.' he chuckles lightly.

'It's okay.' You giggle softly at his joke.
'You didn't know. I'm glad you at least like me enough to save me from him.' You look up at your beautiful, brown-eyed man.

'More than like you, babe. I love you.' He laughs. You hum with happiness.

'I love you too, Joey.'

'...We left our drinks in there.'

I hope that was... okay??? If you have requests, message me ! I would love to write something for someone !

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 04, 2020 ⏰

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