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"You're pregnant?" I asked with a shaken voice. Jack looked at me with confusion as i stood there waiting for an answer from Melody. "F-Finn .. i-i .." she was a stuttering mess. Why was she so nervous.. I noticed her eyes starting to gloss over, i mean i know this is terrifying because were so young but she doesn't have to act like I'm about to kill her.. my thoughts stopped when I remembered what happened the last time she told someone she was pregnant. "Melody.. st-stop stuttering.. why didn't you tell me?" I asked. She started to breath heavily as i got closer to her. "For fucks sake Melody I'm not wyatt I'm not going to hurt you just talk to me." I said waiting for an answer. "Maybe she just needs some air.." jack said while opening the door to my room. Without warning Melody ran , ran so fast she almost knocked my desk down. I looked at jack with a shocked expression on my face. After a few seconds i started to go after her but jack stopped me. "Finn, hold up.. relax.. you don't want to go after her and it end in disaster. Just calm down sit with me for a bit yeah?" He said sort of making me feel calmer then before. I sat on my bed still holding the test in my hand. "What.. hold on im trying to word this right.. h-how.. when did this happen?" Jack asked. I started to think back to when this could have happened. I laid back on my bed with my hands on my face. "Last month, we were both really drunk .. I-i don't think i used any pr.." he cut me off .. "okay, I don't need to know everything i know how it happened i just asked when" he said while sitting next to me. "Jack, what do i do?" I asked hoping someone could give me a logical answer here .. "Finn what do you mean .. you do what you have to. She already lost one kid, she doesn't deserve to loose another." He said with a serious look on his face that sent chills down my spine, I've never seen him this serious about anything. "Jack, wh-what if i fuck up.." i said while my voice cracked from trying to keep the tears in. Jack sighed, "Finn the only way you're gonna fuck up is if you leave , and I don't see you doing that .. not to melody." He was right about that i would never leave her especially now. I got up and took a deep breath. "It'll be okay finn , just go talk to her."

After I ran out I stood outside on the porch swings wiping the tears off my face while my knees were hugged to my chest. How could we let this happen, I can't even blame anything but ourselves. "Melody.." I looked over to see Finn standing in the door way leaning against the front door. I let out a sob and looked straight. "Im sorry, im so sorry Finn." I said while laying my forehead on my knees and sobbing. "No,no,no don't cry" he said while sitting next to me and wrapping his arm around my shoulder, pulling me into his chest. "What are we gonna do?" I said while wiping my cheeks. "I don't know but i do know that I'm not leaving you no matter what you decide." He said before kissing my head. As the cool spring air blew into our faces i felt safe for a moment. "So even if i keep this baby you'll still be here?" I asked. He gave me a side smile "of course, it took two to make this baby and im not letting you do this on your own." I smiled a little and looked at him. "Melody, I love you.. and yeah i might Be terrified right now but Thats my child.. i don't just make people and abandon them.." i chuckled. "I love you too finn." He leaned in and kissed me while pulling me closer. "Woah slow down shes already knocked up" jack said while walking out of the house causing me to giggle. Finn intertwined our fingers as we stood up "don't worry, I'll figure something out babe I promise."



I knocked on Finns door sobbing uncontrollably, "Finn! Open the door please!" I waited for about 3 seconds before he opened the door. "Melody what happened." He said while pulling me into the house out of the pouring rain. I cried while throwing my bag from my shoulder. "Melody." He said in a concerned tone. "My mom she- she kicked me out" he looked at me with worried eyes "what do you mean? How could she ?" I sobbed "I'm 18 now finn she can do what she wants.." i said while sniffling. "Oh hi Melody.. oh my god what happened ?" Finns mom asked while she rushed to me. We told her a day after we found out.. she was mad but shes been more supportive now. "Her mom kicked her out.." finn stated. "What! What do you mean ? Is it because of the baby?" We both nodded as i let out a soft sob. "Sweetie come inside you must be freezing from all that rain come on lets dry you up and get some dry clothes for you to wear." She said while leading me to Finns room while finn followed closely behind. "And Don't you worry dear you can stay here until you and finn can find a place of your own." I smiled softly, my own mom never treated me this way.. it felt safe.. like a home sort of.

Jail Time (death in derry sequel) Finn Wolfhard Fan Fic Where stories live. Discover now