chpt. 1, lost brother, found?

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It's been years since your brother Tim went missing, you thought nothing of it until this day... It was the 7th of January, you were walking in the woods, like normal... Until you came along a mask lying there. It's your brothers... You pick it up and look at it, suddenly someone runs by, taking it out of your hand and running away while putting it on. You were confused, what happened? You decide to go back to your normal routine. You find him again... The further you walk the more common it gets for him to appear there and you see them more often... Suddenly they look at you. Your scared, who are they? You calm your self down "hello..." You say, shaking a bit. They didn't talk, they just walk to you, you try and run but your Frozen in fear, suddenly, "MASKY! MASKY WHERE ARE YOU?! OUR BOSS NEEDS YOU!" A small green, glitchy man walk out from behind the tree "ah masky, th- ... Who's this?" Masky stays quiet... Suddenly masky puts his hand out for you to take. You take it. You suddenly get a bad mingrane, you have to let go and hold your head* "AAAH! WTF?!" You screan in surprise. "She, quiet..." Masky spoke for the first time. You look up at him. The last thing you see is HIS face... Tim's... You pass out. Next thing you know you wake up in a house. You look around. You try to get up, you're chained to the bed. "AAH!!" The mindgrane returns (sorry for bad English I don't know how to spell lol, I am American though) it's worse this time you start pulling your arms and hands up, hoping to break them. They don't break. Suddenly, SNAP! They broke, you're free. You get up and run to the door. "Where do you think you're going (Y/N)?" You look back, seeing a man with pale skiing and a carved smile, his eyelids are burnt. "Jeff... The..." You say, he cuts you off, "killer, yeah I know Jeff the killer blah blah blah... Anyways let's get to the point..." He says, gripping a knife he had in his pocket. You try to scream but the mindgrane returns and this time it doesn't go away, you start screaming, waiting for it to stop... It doesn't... "AAAAH!!! MAKE IT STOP, MAKE IT STOP!!!" You scream, tears running down your face. Suddenly a hand touches your head, calming the pain "it's ok, (Y/N)" you look at them... It's masky... They take their mask off. Your eyes widen in shock... "Tim?" "Yeah?" You hug him, tackling him to the ground "oh, Tim! I missed you!" You say, crying happy tears "oh boy..." He says, laughing a bit, you can tell he's happy... "Woah woah woah... Tim? Masky, your reAL NAME IS TIM?!" Jeff shouts, scaring you a bit. You get off masky and go to a corner of the room.. the mindgrane returns. You can't scream, you can't cry, all you can do is hold your head and wait till it's over. You can hear Tim, or masky, fighting with Jeff... (Tbc)

Hope you guys liked this chapter. I tried hard, I know you won't like it... Sorry

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01, 2018 ⏰

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