Part 1

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"MADELEINE ELANOR THOMPSON! ARE YOU OKAY?!" My mother yelled as she vigorously shook me, waking me from a long needed sleep. I pulled a pillow over my messy bun and glared at her from underneath the pillow. The look of concern on her face told me that her worries had gotten the best of her. Again. "I'm sorry sweetie, I just got worried that you got roofied at the party you went to last night and died in your sleep or something." She hoisted herself up and slowly leaned her plump body against the wall.

"Mother, three things." I said grumpily, glancing at the old fashioned clock next to my bed. "First off, it is 8:43 am. I got back at what, 2:36 this morning? Let me sleep. Second, if I had gotten roofied, I would certainly NOT be here. I would be in some assholes bed after being raped."

"Language, Madeleine." She shook her head for a second.

"Third of all,  Abby threw the party. Abby is a goody two shoes who throws the girly type of party. You know, the face mask, virgin mimosas, gossip type of party. Due to this fact, there was no alcohol at said party. Or males to roofie said alcohol. Mom, I was the only person there except Abby." I pulled myself up so I was sitting with my back against the wall of the bed next to her.

"I know...I just get worried." My mom said up and folded her arms against her chest. "With all these stories about date rapes and murders, my brain can't help but wander to those places. And you never tell me anything anymore! I mean, Mads, when was the last time you told me about any guy you'd caught feels for?" I rolled my eyes. My mom was 37, meaning she got pregnant with me right at 20, right when she and my dad had gotten married. Despite her being old, she still tried to get in with 'how kids are talking nowadays.'  She even gets together with a mom group every Sunday for brunch and non virgin mimosas. (I may steal just a *taste* when the brunch is at our house. Or a couple glasses.) One day I heard them talking about all the phrases their kids use with and around their "peers". I was on the floor shaking from laughter.

"That's why I don't talk to you. Because you'll worry even more and make me get background checks on people or bring pepper spray when I go anywhere with a person of the opposite gender. Which, for your information, is rarely."

"Wait you're not bringing your pepper spray?" She said, panic setting in her eyes. I got up and started to walk her to my door.

"Goodbye, Mom. Let me enjoy my summer." I shoved her out the door, closed it, and locked it to make sure of no more parent intrusions. As bad as my mom was, my dad was sometimes worse. Instead of letting me take my car when I met up with someone, he insisted that he drove me to meet them so that he could give them a 'once over' and make sure that they're 'healthy for me to be around.' If he doesn't like them I'm not allowed to stay. He takes me home, no questions asked. He also used to force me to give him my phone to check twice a day, once in the morning before school and once after. I was able to decrease the amount of phone checks to once a week, but it took almost a month to break him. As bad as my parents were on their own, together they were worse. Together they formed a little two parent cult, ready to take on and take down anything and everyone who tried to corrupt their daughters. It was quite badass, but of course got annoying at times.

I slumped over to my dresser to put on my glasses, then pulled out a pair of shorts and a tank top to change into. My room was cold, but it was the middle of summer in the middle Maybelle's Hollow, Pennsylvania, a town that was notorious for being brutally hot in the summer. I pulled off the sweatpants I was wearing and pulled the black shorts on. I groaned at the tightness and took them back off. I walked to my closet and pulled out a blue, floral sundress. I looked in the mirror to asses the situation. My dark brown to lighter brown ombré hair was a mess in its bun. The under eye circles were dark, but not as dark as usual. The rest of my face was refreshing even but still disheveled. I glanced at the makeup bag on my desk and shook my head. I was lacking the patience to do makeup. So I snatched my pair of  sunglasses with prescription,  took off my normal ones,  put those in their case, and put on my sunglasses. They covered the worse parts of my face, so I decided it was good enough to head to the library. I pulled my phone off the charger and checked my notifications. There were solely three: one from Abby, one from a Dan and Phil Tumblr page, and a text from Rowan with a gif that I was too lazy to check. I shoved my library card and wallet in my bag, along with some weird chapstick thing that was lying on the floor.  I snatched my phone and pushed my feet into a pair of Birkenstocks, then headed to the kitchen.

"I'm heading out! Where are my keys?" I yelled. My dad popped his head out of his study and into the kitchen.

"Halt. Where to?" He asked, starting into the kitchen.

"The library. Then coffee shop." I said as I started to move different items around, looking for the keys to my Volkswagen bug.

"With who?"

"Myself." I picked up the fruit bowl.


"Because I want a book and coffee, Dad." I pushed the breadbox out of the way and found the keys. I picked them up and started to run out of the kitchen.

"NOT so fast..." He asserted, blocking my path. He wrapped his lanky arms around me and pulled me in for a hug. "I love you. Be safe!"

"Love you too, Dad. Bye."  I escaped the hug and walked to the front yard. I was greeted by my little sister, Rowan, and her bitch of a friend Casey. They were laying down on the back of my bug, in their swimsuits, tanning. I ran over and slapped Rowan's arm. "The FUCK Rowan? You and your snotty friend need to get off my god damn car right now or so help me..." Rowan pushed up her sunglasses, sat up, and pouted.

"But Maddieee, we just wanted to tan before Blake's party! I gotta look hot, and pale isn't hot. I can't let him see me as pale as you. You're a fucking vampire." Casey popped her gum and nodded in agreement. I rolled my eyes. Rowan had bright red hair and was covered in freckles. She wasn't going to tan. Just burn. I slapped her stomach. "OUCH!!" She shrieked in pain.

"Row, you're actually burning. You're not going to tan. Go get some aloe. And you're only fourteen. Don't cuss like that, and don't worry about boys thinking you're hot. You're in 8th grade. You've got the rest of your school life to worry about that." Rowan scooted her ass of the car and examined her body.

"Fuck, you're right!" She whined, tears forming in her eyes. Casey rolled her eyes.

"Damnit, Row, I told you we should have at least put some SPF 15 on. Now you can't wear the strapless bikini I brought. Guess I will." Casey smirked. She'd tanned fine, but she's a blonde little bitch with brown eyes and big boobs, so that's expected.  Tears poured out of Rowans eyes as she dragged Casey back in the house with her.

"Bye, I guess." I said, calling after Rowan. I unlocked the car and hoped in. It was an older model, so it lacked bluetooth. All I had was my trusty tape and cd player and my aux cord. I shoved it into my phone, clicked on Spotify, and pulled up Ed Sheeran.  It was time for a mini adventure the to places I go constantly, and ol' Eddy was the best for the job.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2018 ⏰

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