the start of it all

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I waited for my target to come into view. Wearing a blood-red dress with my hair follow behind me as the wind started to pick up. I knew there was a 1 out of 9 percent chance of him showing but that has been my best option.

No one knows my name or what I'm capable of all they see is a young girl who they think is easy prey. Yes, this time my target is a high politician I think I'm not really sure of his ranking but yesterday someone put out a hit on him for 863,846 Jewels. I guess just by looking at the number that was all the money he had and a note came with the sum of money.

He killed my daughter, mutilated my son. Please get revenge for my daughter and my son who is now too scared to step outside.

Normally I wouldn't take these kinds of jobs with this low of pay but I more than anyone want to hurt the one who tortured and killed him, and my master.

It was now getting late when I spotted him. He stood there wearing a black suit trying to pick up girls for cheap. I walked over to him sawing my hips as I walked slowly as if to give him a preview for the show yet to come later. He immediately went straight to me not even looking at the other girls.

"How much," he asks with a voice filled with lust.

"I have already been paid by someone who knows your secret," I answered seductively. He looked at me in fear. "Come with me and I'll show you how I like to do it." His expression changed from worry to mischievous. I lead him down a few allies to get him turned around and further away from the people incased he screams.

"When are we going to be there it's going soft." He said getting annoyed with me.

"What are you saying this is the place," I replied back

"I don't care if you want to do it here I'll make you scream my name until morning."

"You won't last until morning" I laugh

"You don't know me that well then," the politician said.

"I beg to differ," I said turning my back to him. You may say it's an unwise move but with my sense of hearing, I could tell where he was at all times. "This is where you mutilated that boy, raped the girl. Her screams couldn't be heard because you are a rune mage." I explained to him

"How and the shit do you know all of this." He yelled.

I turned around summoning two twin daggers to my hand. I moved so fast that his brain could not keep up with me. I place a knife to the front and back of his thought. "You left the runes up, two it's my job to serve you the one thing that can only happen once during a lifetime," I explained. He looked so confused "Your death, sir," I said pressing my blades together letting his head hit the floor.

"Damit" I cursed myself. I never talked that much to a guy that I killed. I sighed it's time for me to get out of this business. I'm getting too personal which leads to sloppiness. Besides I'm sick of it how I can kill without it effecting me anymore. Maybe I would fulfill my childhood dream, joining a guild.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07, 2020 ⏰

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