Dear world,
Some of you may know this. Some of you may not.
But I have a confession.
I'm bisexual. That is right. Those of you wattpaders who know me in real life, some of you may know this. Some of you may not. Those of you who did not who and don't like people of the LGBQ+ community then you do not deserve my friendship. I first found out half a year ago. When I saw the most beautiful girl I ever saw standing infront of me. Her soft brown hair flowing peacefully down her back and shoulders. I felt like I needed her in my life. Then she told me her name was Alaina. I used to think i was supposed to like boys only. That it was wrong to like the same gender as yourselg. But when I saw Alaina, I looked up what I was feeling. Google told me I was a lesbian. But I knew this statement was untrue. I did like boys also. I just liked her more than any other person, bit or girl, in the world. Of course I was never going to tell her that. I looked it up and, trusty google, told me I was bisexual. I took an interest in the LGBTQ+ community and made it my mission to come out of the closet. Everyday when I saw that girl, well, I felt so.. I'm not sure what I felt. I just know I loved it. I wrote gay fanfics and attended gay parades. But I felt so lonely because no one else I knew was like this. Then I found out my friends were like me. Bisexual. Most of them. But I'm still a human being. I'm just like all of you. And.. I deserve love to. So I talked about it with my bi besties, as I call them. And turned out, my friend Ann had a crush on Alaina' s best friend in the entire universe, Civita. Then life got tough. Trying to pretend that I liked boys when I was home or near my parents. Or even on wattpad so my family wouldn't find out. They still don't know. When I told my male cousin who is a year older then me and also a wattpad member, he responded with 'you like girls?' I had no clue why he had said it like that. He then explained that he didn't take me to be a gay person. I corrected him, saying I was not gay. That I identified as Bisexual. I didn't understand why he had already labeled me under a certain categorie when I never even dated anyone before. I explained that no Mater matter what, I was just like him. And I deserved love to. Just like any other human being. I still deserve love. No matter my sexuality. Gay, Bi, Lesbian, Queer, Transgender, Genderfluid. All LQBTQ+ people deserve to be loved by somebody. So take that you homophobic butts.
Love, @-Vampire-Queen-