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Every tour stop was different but they were always exciting. Meeting supporters made me happier than I had ever been. While waiting for the event to start, I had spotted her waiting in line. I knew she was coming to see me. It didn't seem real until I actually saw her in person. "Kylie!" I called out as she walked over to me. She seemed shocked that I knew her name, but how could I forget? We had talked so many times, but it still was very different to actually see her standing in front of me. God, as if she could get any cuter... she smiled and my heart melted in my chest. She suddenly threw her arms around my neck and I picked her up off her feet while we hugged. "Hi, Rae... I'm so happy to see you." She whispered, and I smiled. I knew I was going to need more time with her. Just to be in the same room as her.. This quick meeting wasn't going to be enough. While she hugged me, I leaned down and whispered against her ear. "Meet me after, behind the bus." I noticed her cheeks turning red as I squeezed her hips a little extra and our hug lasted a little longer than normal. When we posed for a picture, my hand settled against her lower back. Her hair smelled like strawberries and her body felt so good pressed against mine. She took my hands before she left, and smiled at me. "I'll see you later..." She winked before skipping off and I couldn't get her off my mind for the rest of the day.
Once everyone started leaving, I was able to sneak out of the venue and into the back parking lot. She was leaning against the back of the bus, texting on her phone. She didn't see me coming so I stood by her side and nudged her with my hip. "Hey!" I said, and she nearly fell over from jumping so high. I grabbed onto her arm to keep her on her feet. "Jesus fucking Christ, Raegan. Don't scare me like that." She laughed and I smiled widely, sliding my hand down her arm and holding onto her hand. "So.. do you wanna see the inside of the bus?" I asked and she nodded, lacing her fingers with mine. I could feel my heart race. I couldn't wait to get her alone.

It started to feel really awkward between us as I lead her onto the bus. I showed her around, where I slept and where we hung out. She held onto my hand, but I could feel my palm getting sweaty. Why was I so nervous? There was so much tension between us. I was trying to resist shoving her into the wall and kissing her deeply. I rubbed the back of my neck with my free hand, clearing my throat as I racked my brain for an excuse kiss her. "So..." I started to speak when I felt her hands on my shirt collar, pulling me down to meet her lips. My eyes closed and I leaned into the kiss. I was surprised that she wanted to make the first move, but I wasn't complaining. I held onto her hips and pulled her body tighter against my chest. Our tongues slid against each other and then I bit down on her lower lip. She gasped and then rubbed her hands down my chest before breaking the kiss. She smirked and nudged me backwards until I fell back onto the couch, she climbed on top and straddled my waist before reconnecting our lips. "Oh.. god.." I moaned in surprise against her lips and ran my hands over her thighs then squeezed her ass. We made out like that for awhile, groaning and groping each other's bodies until my dick was throbbing in my jeans. Since she was sitting on my lap, her ass rubbed over my crotch and I knew she could feel how hard I was. I didn't know if I should be embarrassed or even more turned on when she wiggled her ass against my boner and I moaned out loud. She pulled back and looked down at me, smiling as she raked her fingers through my hair and scratched lightly at the back of my neck. "Jesus Christ.." I leaned my head back against the couch and she started kissing and sucking along my throat. She was really trying to turn me on. It was working... but I needed more control. Gripping her hips, I pushed her over to lay on her back on the couch, I got on top of her and let my eyes explore her body. When my eyes reached hers, she smiled. "You gonna fuck me or not?" She asked, her eyes were bright and I almost got lost looking into them. She started pulling on my belt and I snapped out of it. "Oh.. yeah..." I answered, leaning down to capture her lips with mine. "Let's put your smuts to shame."

She laughed and continued to tug at my belt. Her laugh made me smile and I pulled off my shirt before leaning down to kiss her again. As I pushed my tongue into her mouth, I started working on taking off her clothing, pulling off her pants and then unhooking her bra. My hands cupped her breasts and my thumb rubbed circles against her nipples. Soon, she was moaning into my mouth and arching her back off of the couch. I broke the kiss and pulled her shirt off so I could suck on her neck and chest. Her nails scratched down my arms and it made me groan. I started to kiss lower down her belly. I traced her panty line with my tongue, squeezing her hips before tugging her panties off and tossing them on the floor. "Ohh.. Raegan.." She breathed out and I looked up at her, nipping at her skin while nudging her thighs open. "Mhmmm?" I mumbled while kissing her inner thighs, digging my nails into her skin while she rolled her hips towards me. "More... please..." She panted, and I laughed a little before reaching over to press my thumb to her clit and rub it in slow circles. I watched her face as she clawed at the couch and moaned. She arched into my touches, and I leaned down to swipe my tongue over her slit. The noises she was making drove me crazy. I wanted her to keep going, moan louder, scream my name. I pulled her knees over my shoulders and buried my face into her pussy. She gasped and pushed her heels into my back as I started licking her slowly, dipping my tongue inside and sucking on her skin. Her hands pulled at my hair, holding me down against her while I ate her out. My thumb continued to rub her clit faster while using my tongue to plunge inside her and lick up all her juices. I could hear voices from outside the bus, the rest of the guys must have been coming back. She seemed not to notice, so I increased the pace to finish her off. Her hips were rolling against my tongue and I added a finger inside her to hit her spot. She was nearly screaming, panting my name and pulling on my hair. It was so hot.. I didn't want it to end but she was already cumming. "Yes.. oh my god. Raegan..." She called out and I finished cleaning her up with my tongue. Just in time because the bus doors were opening and people were coming inside. "You might wanna our these back on." I said, handing her pieces of her clothing. We both dressed quickly before the group saw anything, but we obviously looked guilty, and a little sweaty. "Uh.. hi..." She said before standing up, I took her hand and lead her off the bus. I kissed her lips gently and she smiled. "See you later." She said and ran off back towards the building.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25, 2018 ⏰

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