The showdown pt.1(8)

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Screams, rang out aloud, as the small room got gloomy, it was such a blur, gunpowder, spent shells droppings, a loud ringing that could burst your eardrum, agony despair and an inanimate body, with blood draining, lifeless. The young man who witnessed it all scared, frightened and now fully coming to the realization that the person he thought he was working for was not the person who came to him at first subtle and calm. But a man which epitomizes evil incarnate and unhappiness, and he was just a pawn, a chess piece, nothing more than a youth that was again encouraged almost unwilling but easily drawn to a lifestyle that causes pain.,

yo kid, yo kid


What just happened? asked Anthony dazed

Let's go the crowd turned into a frenzy, we need to get out of here now now . Said Greg as he drew the hands of Anthony quickly as they left the building.

They soon jumped into the van and drove off, Anthony so out of it he passed out.

Wake up

Wake Up



Where am I? asked Anthony dazed and winded 

You're back at the workplace, everything went almost accordingly, but he got it coming to him, that's why he's dead now. Said Greg

Dead? Wait, wasn't I dreaming? I mean I remember being in the strip club seeing so many beautiful women and then I went into a dark room and then everything after that became a blur, what happened. asked Anthony

Kid, I know you ain't cut out for this, anyways the boss says he wants to see you, you still have to get pay, I'll be waiting out here, I have to drop you home. said Greg

Anthony feeling out of it understandably walked limped into Mr.Brooks office, when he opened the door he saw Mr.Brooks with a huge smile on his face.

Son, I'm proud of you, way to go back there, I hear the assignment was a success, my praises go out to you, I'm going to give you your just reward. Said Mr.Brooks

Son ? Anthony questioned Mr.Brooks remark


WHAT DID YOU MAKE ME DO ! Anthony asked

Everything seems like a blur, but I remember going inside to the office of Mr.Adams, he took out a gun, and Greg shot him, what's the deal with all of this, what is going on? asked Anthony  scared while holding his head 

I didn't receive the memo,Greg looks like he murders for a living, the people in this company look tied down, they all look scared, why? Anthony continued 

Isn't this a business that stands on the grounds of integrity,morals,belief and respect, I thought this company help to grow ,but it looks like all it does is destroy, and the persons that end up tied to this organization, sign their names in blood and lose all their freedom, who are you,i want answers now! said Anthony while looking at Mr.Brooks

Hahaha, don't come to me with that superficial, modest and humane point of views and bullshit to me, you are really naive kid. said Mr.Brooks

Hahaha, answers boy? look at the world that you live in kid, answers? the world is ever such a cruel place, survival is a human trait, but hybridization will bring birth to a human even further and much more evolved than the average human being.The fittest survive boy! what answers do you need, apart from is either you work for something or don't work for anything at all. You are working me that's all the answers you'll ever need. said Mr.Brooks

Hybridization, what are you talking about, you seem lost and completely out of it. said Anthony

Look, I don't like the business that you guys do, all I'm saying is that I just want out. continued Anthony 

So I formally resign from my position.said, Anthony, 

 Don't  be stupid boy, you're poor, I can help you to be rich, why leave all of this. Said Mr.Brooks sympathetically   

Because me as a person, I am much better than this. replied Anthony

Progress is a process, which moves in stages, you have to start from somewhere small in order to make it big.said Anthony

Money, I don't need money now at least, I'll start small and work hard to get all the money I'll ever need. Said Anthony

Right now, there's nothing that you convince me with to stay here with you, and that's final. Said Anthony

You are a truly a fool, and I saw so much potential in you boy, and you are just going to throw all of that away, I do pity you, you ghetto.But I guess this is how has to be .explained Mr.Brooks

I saw you becoming the heir to me, someone I could pass my legacy to, my ideas, power. continued Mr.Brooks

Well, I am sorry I had to hear this, Greg!, come in and dispose of my one time employee, please. Said Mr.Brooks commandingly 

Sorry Kid, but once you enter this, you can't leave, your name is signed in blood, more than just yourself, but your mind and soul all belong here and that's it, I'm sorry it had to come to this. Said Greg

*gun cranks*


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