Meeting The Rockstars(sorry it's short)

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Scrap Baby:We Know Bu-Lets Go
---------20 minutes later---------
R.Foxy:Got any sevens
R.Chica:*sees lefty,scrap,and a little girl*HI AND WHO IS THAT
Lefty:Heh Hi Chica This Is Fear But Likes To Be Called Karry*puts fear down and sits by rockstar chica*
Scrap Baby:*goes over to rockstar foxy and bonnie*where's freddy?
Me:U M-me-an him*points at rockstar freddy*
R.Foxy:Aye Boss
R.Bonnie:Hey Freddy
R.Chica:oh no
Lefty:What's wrong
Scrap Baby:I think freddy is either targeting karry or just confused why she's here
Molten Freddy:Maybe
R.Freddy:*tackles fear pinning her down and his hands by her head*
Me:*falls down getting pinned and looks up at rockstar freddy blushing*
Scraptrap:Wtf Going On
R. Bonnie And Foxy:Idk
R.Chica:plz don't hurt her fred
Lefty:He better not
Scrap Baby:*looks at rockstar freddy and sees him on top of fear then fangirls*Shipppppppp~
R.Freddy:*puts both of her arms above her head*who are you
Me:*wiggles*Let me go!
R.Freddy:*goes closer to her face*u know your pretty cute for a child
Me:*growls little and blushes darker*
Scraptrap:*takes picture of that*
Scrap Baby:*Faints*
Lefty:*Pushes Rockstars And Scraps Out Then Leaves Does Two Alone*
Me:*whines*get off me
R.Freddy:just tell me who you are and information then i can let you go
Me:Fine my name is Fear Golden Fazbear(Only Because I am Gold)
R.Freddy:So Your My Niece?!
Me:Pretty Much
R.Freddy:Oh My I Am Sorry*Lets her go*
Me:it's okay you didn't know*has bruise on wrists*
R.Freddy:*wraps bandages on her wrist*i guess it's nice to meet you and u kinda looks like golden freddy
Me:yea i know i get that alot
R.Freddy:So What Now
R.Freddy:Let's Get Back To The Others*Picks Her Up*
Me:Hey I Can Walk You Know!*tries to wiggle out*
R.Freddy:*holds her tightly*
R.Freddy:Stop It!Your Acting Like A Baby*walks to the door*
Me:Umma act like one if you don't let me go
R.Freddy:was that a threat?
Me:Maybe and maybe not
R.Freddy And Me:*Glares At Eachother*
(To be continued and Hope y'all readers enjoying the book so far*smiles and waves bye)*

Humanoid Fnaf6 x Fear(child)(Not Finished)Where stories live. Discover now