Day 9- The abandoned house

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After Eliza left the hospital, the doctors told her parents that these type of conditions such as feet turned backwards, face with unidentified scars, hands reversed, and they also said that anyone who jumps from fifth floor without any protection would definitely die but Eliza is still alive which shocked them. They suggested her parents that she need something else other than medical. Sara was still weak and brittle. Eliza's parents were hopeless.

Julie, Amanda and Alice decided to go back to the abandoned house. This time they were even more cautious. They even called a priest who is a relative of Alice. They went, it took like 2.5 hours to reach there. Julie was scared to see Eliza's condition.

"So we've reached, who's going first" said Alice. Amanda went first and opened the door. Again the same screeching sound was coming from the upstairs. Amanda was about to enter. The priest stopped her from going in. "Amanda, this house is cursed, I expect you all to wear the holy crucifixes before entering this house, and don't stop chanting the prayers until I say stop. Am I clear ?" "Yes, we'll wear the crucifixes, Julie, give us the crucifixes from your bag" said Alice. They all wore it and stepped together in that house. Alice started searching for Eliza.

Suddenly they heard a sound from upstairs

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Suddenly they heard a sound from upstairs. They all ran up and saw Eliza,hung over the chimney. When Alice went closer to untie her. The priest said' NO ALICE, don't go, there is some inhuman activity going on. Two spirits are fighting for something. If you go there Alice, you'll die."But how do we save her Father, she's bleeding a lot, she'll die if she is not helped, do something Father."screamed Julie. The Father came in and took out his Bible and started chanting the prayers to leave Eliza alone. Even though Eliza's body was present over there, her half soul was with the man.

Suddenly the floor started shaking, the wooden floor was cracking and within a second, all of them fell on the ground. There was a creepy laugh of the man and then everything went dark. The priest fell unconscious and two of them got injured. Alice got up and was searching for the rope in her bag. Everything was pitch-black dark and she couldn't see anything, and then....

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