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Jays pov ( before both transitioned)
"Daddy I don't want to go, it's scary" I whined not wanting to go to kindergarten " you'll be fine sweetheart, go make some friends. I'll be back once school's over okay" my father told me" we get ice cream daddy" I ask him as we walk into the school gates
"Yes of course baby, now go make some friends okay I'll see you soon" my dad said while leaving. " hi my name is raegan whats yours" a girl my age asked me
"Emily, you have a pretty cool name" I responded back to her
" thanks, I think we should be best friends" raegan said to me. " I think so too" I smiled

So this is how justin and Raegan met in the story, also they are like 4 or 5 so the haven't transitioned so dont attack meh :) 

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