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     POV-(Y/n): I awoke in a grassy field with flowers all around it and big trees everywhere. It was lightly raining but not enough to soak me. I sat up, taking the beautiful scene in. It was mesmerizing! There was a big house in the distance, it looked like one of the mansions I would overhear my parents talking about buying when they "turned me in". That's how they put it anyway. I felt drawn to this house for some reason, like a gut feeling. I stood up and began walking towards it. I was about halfway through this massive valley of flowers and trees when I heard giggling.
     I followed the giggling until I reached a fork in the road, with five paths. The one on the very far right kept going in the direction to the house, the one on the very far left is where the giggling was coming from. The other three, I have no idea where they lead. I was more curious about the giggling than I was the house or other paths, so I took the path on the left. As I walked down this path, the giggling got louder and louder! Was someone here with me? The trees around this path were so thick that they almost completely blocked out the sun, with only a few little beams peeking through here and there. I was then shocked when I saw a figure in the distance.
     I started to run towards it. The closer I got, the more I realized it was the source of the giggling! I finally got up about ten yards away from the figure, it was a woman! And she was giggling almost hysterically! It was starting to scare me. Her back was facing towards me, I couldn't see her face. She wore a gorgeous black dress that went down to here ankles with pretty black heels on her feet. She was gazing down the path, the path kept going so far I couldn't even see the end of it. It just kept going.
     (Y/n): Hello!?
     (Y/n): Who are you? Do you know where we are at?
     With every sentence I said she laughed more, getting more and more out of control.
     (Y/n): ahaha-ha-ha (nervous laughter) I'm sorry to interrupt you Madam...but would you mind helping me? I'm a bit lost in this forest...
     ??????: We
     (Y/n): Pardon me, what?
     ??????: WE
     (Y/n): We wh-
     ??????: WE ARE LOST! NOT JUST YOU, WE!!!
     (Y/n): I don't understand Madam!
     Every time she answered I got more and more scared, no...I was now terrified! I was shaking. I don't know why, but I could feel a large chill crawl up my spine. She still wouldn't face me.
     (Y/n):P-PLEASE C-CALM DOWN MADAM! We can help each other out!
     She then calmed down and spoke in a very calm and soft tone. It was almost...beautiful.
     ??????: It was just me here before, but you made it so that we would both go through this. That we would both experience this life together. Allow me to enlighten you.
     She then took out a knife, and slit her own wrist!
     ??????: hehehehehehehehehehehehe
     A giant bolt of lightning shot down through the sky and struck the woman! Wait.....I know this lightning! She began to transform into a titan, I had to look away because the light was so bright! When I looked up, what I saw terrified me.
     (Y/n): What? H-how!?
     The Warhammer Titan was staring down at me!!! It was making perfect eye contact with me, like it was staring right into my soul. It then held out both it's arms and began to crystallize. She was finished in seconds...FAR faster than I could use that ability. She now held an absolutely massive hammer in her arms!
     ??????: Now do you recognize me?
     Her voice was no longer calm and soothing to the ear. It was now very deep and distorted, coming from the mouth of her-...our Titan.
     (Y/n): Y-y-yes Madam.....
     Her glare made me feel two inches tall. Which to be fair; compared to the titan, I basically was. I've never been more terrified.
     ??????: Are you enjoying the power you stole? Was it worth killing for?
     I then collapsed to my knees. I realized then that I was crying, I had been crying for a while. I just didn't notice it.
     (Y/n): I-I'm so s-sorry! I j-just wanted to l-l-live! I didn't want to die!
     ??????: Interesting.
     (Y/n): W-what?
     I looked up at her one last time, only for the giant hammer she had made to come crashing down into me! Smashing me to bits!!!
     (Y/n): AAAAAAHHHH!!!!!

     My eyes shot open. I sat up as quick as I could and looked around. I was in a room all by myself, tucked into the most comfortable bed I've ever laid in. There was a little bit of light coming in from a window next to the bed, I looked out the window to see that it was raining. I was in some sort of town or city, as I could see other houses and buildings outside.
     My heart was still beating fast and I was sweating, there was actually a dark stain on the pillow where my sweaty hair had been. I stood up and noticed I wasn't in the rags I was use to wearing, but actual pajamas. I then looked over to the wall and saw a mirror. I got up and walked over and looked into it, and was started by what I found.
     There was....muscle tissue around the outside of my eyes on my face. My skin was still there, just not where these strange marking were. Like scars, only they were still healing.
I reached up and ran my hand across them and flinched. They were VERY sensitive to the touch. I then began to feel light-headed, so I went back to the bed and laid back down.
     My timing was perfect because right as I sat down and pulled the lovely hand-woven quilts over me, the doorknob turned and the door opened with a long creaking sound.
     ??????: *GASPS*

Attack on Titan x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now