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Chapter one

Thinking back at those memories. How could i have fallen for him so carelessly, so easily, yet so passionately? I remembered these memories like the back of my hand, engraved in my mind. I took a walk along the road that lied in front of my house, hoping to be set free of the thought of him. I just couldn't simply get the thought of him out of my mind. He was my something great, i didn't ask for something great but it just happened. Serendipity. At least that's what I thought.

It all started here. Hi, my name is Lilah. Some what like Delilah but just Lilah. I like my name, I think it makes me unique. I am sixteen going on seventeen. I am a regular school girl, I enjoy reading, painting. My mom thinks I am talented and so do my friends. I was painting a picture one day, when my mom visited me in my some what small room. My room had simple flower wallpaper all over the room. (I don't know why the owners before us chose to put wallpaper all over the wall, but that's another problem.)

"Lilah, I found an article in the newspaper about an art program in town and I thought you might be interested you know since your passion for painting is quite-"

"I'll give it a look later" I said cutting her off.

"You know the art teacher looks pretty advanced you know. I think she can really help you. They are starting the first lesson today at 6, If you like it then I'll sign you up."

"How much does it cost?" I said

"Don't worry about the price honey, it doesn't matter. Think of it as an early birthday present."

"Thanks, I'll start getting ready to go at 6."

"Wear something nice!"

"I will."

My mom tried to get me interested In extracurricular activities after school but let's face it, I am kind of picky. When she told me that this one had to do with improving my painting skills, I was instantly interested. My moms name is Marsha by the way. My parents aren't actually separated, Most of my friend's parents are but I guess I'm lucky. We moved to Arizona when we found out my aunt died of
lung cancer. We were looking for a fresh start, and we quickly found it. Before we had lived in Washington, where all of my childhood friends are. I quickly adapted to the environment I was put in in Arizona hot weather, rocky mountains, and humid air. I liked Arizona a quite bit and I made friends easily. At school my name was "new girl" for about a month, but it wore off eventually.

I was done putting on the last layer of mascara when my mom told me it was time to go to art class. I rushed down the stairs in a pair of jeans along with my favorite lacy shirt. I ran to the car and off we went.

When we arrived at the art center I was impressed. I had no idea this art program was so nice. The place had beautiful giant stone walls, leading up to a wooden roof and there were dramatic statues out front.

"this place is beautiful." I said

My mom replied with a nod of her head as she was looking up at the wooden ceiling. A small pretty women who worked there approached us named Laura (I can tell by her name tag)

"Are you here for art lessons?"

My mom introduced herself.

" Yes, Hi my name is Marsha, and this is my daughter Lilah."

"Nice to meet you Lilah! The art lessons are in the door to the right." Said the woman with a smile on her face. Her long skirt and ruffled white shirt added sophistication to her attitude. Her teeth were very straight with the exception of two crooked teeth on her bottom row.

"Thank you, Laura." Replied Lilah.

Lilah started walking down a hall accompanied by her mother. She reached the door and slowly cracked it open. A woman with a smock looked up and greeted her once she spotted Lilah. "I-I'm here for art lessons?" Said Lilah. "Oh goody, you're one of my first ones here. I'm glad you showed up. Have a seat wherever you like dear. "

Lilah sat herself down at a relatively clean table with a yellow cup containing paint brushes. The various paints in the surrounding trays looked new. She looked up to see the letters on the white board. "surrealism." Lilah thought of Frida Kahlo and many other artists she knew.

As soon as Lilah formed a train of thought the sound of a door opening caught her attention. She turned her head to see a boy walk in that looked her age. She waved at him and looked back at the new paints with anxiety. The boy had brown hair and brown eyes. He wore a denim jacket with black jeans and converse. Lilah noticed he had a good sense of style that caught her attention right away. A couple more people walked into the room and the art lesson began.
"Welcome everybody, my name is Stephanie and I will be your art instructor for today. Let's begin with getting to know each other. Each of you stand up and say your favorite artist along with your name and how old you are."

She pointed at a girl with curly hair wearing a black hat with fair skin.  "You start, please."

"Um hi, my name is addelyen.  I am 15 years old, and my favorite artist is Andy Warhol."

Addelyn looked at me signaling it was now my turn.

"Hi, my name is Lilah. I'm 16 years old, and my favorite artist is probably Pablo Picasso."

The boy with the brown hair was looking at me as I signaled for him to go

"Hi. My name is Sam. My favorite artist is Vincent Van Gogh. I'm 17."

My eyes lit up as i remembered Vincent Van Gogh's work. He had good taste. He was close to my age too. The one other person shared their name, favorite artists, and age. We began our lesson.

Chapter two

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14, 2018 ⏰

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