So I was thinking about do this like a video. But, I’m obviously not. And what exactly am I talking about? My story. My life. And why am I doing this. Because no one is going to ask, but one day, I’m going down six feet under. But I’m not going down before I’m known. Not as someone famous but, just as me. This isn’t my last will and testament or anything. It’s just my story. Here we go:
My name is Emma Isabel Velazquez, my friends call me Emma. My family calls me something else that I’d rather not tell you guys just to save myself from absolute embarrasment. It’s not bad, just embarrassing. Anyway, I’m 13 and I go to school in Brooklyn.(To be honest I have NO idea what I’m doing or where I’m going with this. It’s just something I’ve been wanting to do.) I’m pretty average. I know people like to think they're all special. But they’re not. I’m sure there is no one exactly like someone else, not even twins, but we could all be categorized somehow. It’s just the honest truth.
I have a pretty big family lots of cousins which makes for lots of people at my house during parties. I haven't done that much with my life and I'm an above average student but that hasn't helped me with jack shit so far. Even though I am a self proclaimed average person, I still think I'm pretty special. I like lots of things, so I just don't go through life wandering. I LOVE Harry Potter, Green Day, Doctor Who, Food, Sleep, YouTube and things that revovlve around these things and everything similar to them. I'm capital T tired right now so I'm kind of done for now, but don't worry. My life is pretty alright so I'll be back soon probably, maybe, if I can get access to a computer soon, or even if I just feel like it.