catching feelings pt 3

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Connor POV

"Tr-roye." I gasped

"What happened?!?!" Troye said with a worried look

"Jess. Jessica" I wasn't able to finish my sentence.

Troye POV

"SOMEONE CALL 911 NOW!" I shouted as loud as I could.

Stefanie came and immediately called 911.

Stefanie POV

I saw Jessica smirk from across the room

She probably had something to do with Connor's injury

I went over to confront her

"You did this didn't you?" I asked

"Why are you talking to me you piece of shit?" Jessica says and storms off.

Jessica was acting weird so I contact Lauren.

There' something suspicious happening and I'm willing to find out.

Lauren's POV

I am getting really suspicious about jessica.

Jessica has been getting awfully close to troye lately.

So I want to find out if jessica likes troye.

I devise a plan to find out if jessica likes Troye.

Stefanie calls me.

she is good with these types of situations so I'm gonna need her help.

we started mapping out a plan.

We needed someone to be our spy on the inside for this plan to work.

We decide to call Someone who jessica trusts.

I knew exactly who to call.

My best friend Casey. Casey hates Jessica, but Jessica doesn't know that.

I know that she'll say yes.

Casey loves this type of drama.

"Stefanie you need to come over right now" I say.

"I'm on my way" She says as I wait.

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