Just pop the question chapter 2

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Next day
Sonics p.o.v
I had finished singing in my recording studio. My recording producer gave me a thumbs up outside of the glass room I was in he came in giving me a pat on the back. "You just keep getting better sonic!" He smiled.

"Thanks!" I then dashed out of the room and ran to Ames' flower store.

I ran up to her talking to someone it was... a boy?! Who the- I hid behind a tree watching him give her a bouquet. I just heard giggling and that's It... what's going on?!
"Thank you so much Scourge these are beautiful!"
"Np! Anyway just make sure sonic doesn't see it"
"Don't worry!"
The green hedgehog then dashed off WHY WOULDNT SHE WANT ME TO SEE IT?!

Amy's p.o.v
I kno I kno flowers aren't sonics type but I thought I might as well get them for are dating anniversary I'm planning a special date for him i placed the flowers away safely I just need to hide it from him for the rest of this wee- I then felt something suddenly grab my waist from behind

I looked to see sonic behind me I then smiled, "hi sonic!"
Hopefully he didn't see the flowers...

Sonics p.o.v
I shouldn't assume things right Ames wouldn't cheat... right... especially this close to our dating anniversary... which reminds me... "ames? What's your ring size?..."

Just pop the question (sequal 2 lovestruck) Sonamy Where stories live. Discover now