chapter twenty one

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"darling, wake up. we've landed," my mom said, shaking me away. i slowly opened my eyes, and it took a moment for me to register where i was.

i realised i had slept for five hours of the plane journey. i hurriedly snapped out of my thoughts, and followed dorota off the plane. she was basically family to us, so she too had come.


"your new home," my parents smiled, speaking in unison. our new house was huge, and it was at least two times bigger than my old one, which in its on, was quite big.

"woah!" i exclaimed, as i examined it form outside. my parents exchanged grins, obviously pleased with my reaction.

i looked at maddie, and she had the same awe struck expression on her face. but then realisation hit me, and i realised this was the house replacing my old one, just like my new school would replace my old one, and my mew friends, if i find any, will replace my old ones.

i sighed, but plastered a fake smile on my
face. i had to work with this for the sake of my parents.

"i'm going to my room," i said, to no one in particular. i entered the house, and i gasped. it was better than i had imagined. i walked to the elevator, and went to the second floor, where my room was.

i walked through the long corridor, and finally saw the room that had my name on it. i gasped, yet again. it was designed just how i had wanted my old room to be. i smiled to myself. i had always thought my parents weren't listening, but apparently they were.

suddenly, i felt a wave of tiredness rush through me, and i lay down on my bed. jet lag must've got to me, because before i knew it, i was asleep.

i woke up about two hours later, and grabbed my laptop from my bag, which had been brought up while i was asleep.

i went onto facetime, and tried calling annie, she didn't pick up, so i called lauren next.

"hey!" i exclaimed upon seeing her face light up on my screen. "kenzieboo!!" i heard a scream — annie. "hey guys," i said, letting out a light chuckle.

"we miss you already," lauren groaned, while annie nodded in agreement. "how's aussie? have you got at accent yet?" annie asked me, chuckling. "howdy mate? nah, don't think so, but anyway, until now, all i've done is sleep," i admitted.

the two of them burst out laughing at my failed attempt of an aussie accent, and that's when i heard another voice. "why're y'all laughing?" johnny.

"uhm we saw a funny meme," lauren stuttered. "what was it?" i could almost hear the suspicion in johnny's voice. "oh you know...that one," annie sheepishly nodded, looking at lauren for help. "exactly...yeah.." she trailed. johnny walked over, and spotted me on the laptop screen.

"kenzie? where are you? that's not your room," johnny raised his eyebrows questioningly. i let out a fake laugh. "it's not.." "where are you," he asked me. "australia?" i replied in the form of a question.

"oh, for a trip?" i glanced at lauren and annie, who nodded. i sighed. "no. i've moved here.." i trailed. "you what-" johnny yelped. i flinched at his loud voice. "when? why didn't you tell me?" the hurt on his face was visible, and i couldn't help but feel guilty. " dad's job. i tried to tell you. you were never around.." i said, and i could feel my eyes start to sweat.

i hated how emotional id been getting recently. before johnny could reply, i told them that my mom was calling me, and then i spammed my laptop shut and sobbed into my pillow.

halfway through my meltdown, there was a knock on my door. i wiped my tears, and made myself look presentable. "come in," i finally called out.

"hey kenz.." my mom began. i nodded in response. "so you know how you need to go to school here?" my dad asked me. i nodded, already knew this conversation would be going downhill. "well, we've shortlisted a few schools for you after the tours that have been organised for you and maddie," my mom finished.

"uh..when are the tours?" i tentatively questioned. "tomorrow.." my dad trailed.

"but how! we literally just got here! i'm not even over my jet lag!" i exclaimed. "it's the only day possible.." my dad shrugged. i groaned in frustration and rolled my eyes, but gave in nonetheless.

once they left my room, my thoughts went back to the skype call. this wasn't how i wanted johnny to find out. but then again, at least it was over with, and he was probably already out with avery.


"what the f-" i began, only to be cut off my lauren. "language," she glared at me. "english," i retorted.

lauren just stared at me, too shook to reply to my retort. despite the situation, i smirked at her expression.

"did you guys know about this?" i asked them, indicating to the laptop where mackenzie's face had been seconds ago.

lauren and annie both nodded, seeming guilty. "why didn't you tell me?" my question was directed at lauren, but annie responded. "kenzie asked us not to. you barely spoke to her after y'all stopped fake dating. heck, you stopped speaking to most people after avery entered your life."

"but i didn't even say bye," i muttered to no one in particular. "exactly," lauren softly said. i shrugged and then walked out of her room, and went straight to mine.

the first thing i did was cancel my date with avery, by telling her that something had come up. i needed time to get my thoughts together

just then, it hit me that the goodbye message muse have been for kenzie. it had to be. if only mom had given me a few more seconds. then all of this could've been different.

i groaned, and threw my phone onto the floor in frustration. thank god for the carpeted floor. i stared straight at the wall in front of me. how could mackenzie have just left?

i'm really sleepy rn help   

[ word count — 1057 words ]

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