1. Taken

17 2 1

When I woke up this morning I never knew I'd be here. Here in this cold, damp, dark, area. I can't tell where I am. My eyes haven't adjusted yet. How could me normal morning turn into this hell.

I woke up 4:30 on the dot. As usual. I ran to my mother's grave to visit and then ran back home. As usual. I jumped in the shower and woke my little brother, Bennett, up. As usual. I then made breakfast and woke up father. As usual. Then father went to work and I walked Bennett to school. As usual.

It was cold this morning it feels like it's still a cold day. Bennett made me carry him most of the way to school because it was "too cold" in his opinion. I didn't mind. Mother would have done it for me when I was his age.

Mom died giving birth to Bennett. I'm the only mother he's ever had. He asked me to walk him into class and I did. We were merrily greeted by his teacher. I went to his seat and kissed him goodbye. I'm glad I told him I loved him. Who knows if I'll ever get to again.

I stopped and exchanged small talk with his teacher, Mrs. Smith. She offered to bring Bennett home because of the cold. I accepted her offer and told her thank you. Mrs. Smith was my mom's best friend and my third grade teacher. She is one of the sweetest women I know. She has been nothing but helpful since mom left us.

It would be another mile and a half walk to my school. I walked every morning. I was just routine. On the plus side though I have an amazing looking butt.

In my small town we know everyone. Or we get to know everyone we don't know. That's why when a young woman stopped me this morning and asked for directions I didn't think twice about actually giving them to her. When she offered me a ride to school I accepted. She seemed harmless. She only looked a year or two older than me. Nothing about this girl set off a red flag.

I crawled in to her big, shiny black SUV and thanked her for the ride. It was spotless. Not a hair or fiber anywhere in her vehicle. Before I even got the chance to belt myself in there was something over my mouth. I kicked and thrashed and tried my hardest to free myself but there wasn't just something over my mouth. Something was holding my arms back. I was completely restrained.

The girl whispered, "I'm sorry," so low I could barely hear it. Then I blacked out.

I woke up here. This damp, dark place. I can tell its a room now. A big one at that. My eyes have adjusted. The room is bare. Nothing to look at. No windows and I can't seem to make out a door.

I try to stand but I'm too weak. I guess I'm crawling. I start to crawl across the floor searching for something. There has to be something, anything. This room can't be completely empty.

I finally see something. It's small. I can't make out what exactly it is but it's something. I crawl towards it. It's moving. I stop dead in my tracks and stare. I still can't tell what it is but I can see now that it's moving just slightly. Curiosity gets the better of me. I move towards the thing.

It a child. It's a little girl she's no more than five years old. I am so overwhelmed with emotions. This child is here alone. How long has she been here? How long have I been here?

I sit up and pull the girls head into my lap. She is so small. I brush her blonde hair away from her face. Her face is so sweet. Almost like a cherub. Her pale skin is so flawless. I run the back of my hand against her soft skin.

Her eyes open quickly and she scatters away from me. She searches eyes wide. The poor think can't see.

"Shhhh, you're okay honey. I won't hurt you," I tell the girl trying to calm her nerves.

"Where am I?" she cries.

"I don't know but I'm going to protect you. Everything is going to be okay. I promise."

I move closer to her. She is sobbing.

"Come here," I whisper. Arms spread.  She jumps into my arms and continues sobbing.

I pull her into me. I begin to rock back and forth. Why are we here? I begin to cry. All hope seems to be lost. I hold the girl tighter. We rock and cry together.

After a while we both stop crying. I loosen my grip on the girl and stop rocking. We are both very quiet for a time.

"What's your name?" she finally asks me.

"My name is Pippa," I tell her.

"How old are you?"

"I turned 18 last week." I smile down at her. "What about you? What's your name? How old are you?"

"My name is Briar-Rose and I'm four years old," she tells me.

"That's a pretty name. Can I call you Rosie?"

Her eyes brighten as she looks up at me, "yeah I like that."

Her big brown doe eyes remind me of Bennett. I miss my baby brother. I hope he made it home okay today. "I'm sleepy," Rosie tells me rubbing her eyes.

I lean against the wall and pull Rosie into my lap once more. "You can go to sleep. I'll protect you." She kisses my nose and lays her head on my chest. I rap my arms around this tiny Rose.

As I listen to her snore the entirety of the situation settles in. I was taken. This poor little innocent girl was taken. How could this be? What could they want us for? Who are they? My world is crashing down around me. I sob silently to myself trying not to wake the angel I'm holding.

Rosie and I were kidnapped.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2014 ⏰

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