The beginning

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"Hello ? Hello ?" I heard someone saying hello in my sleep but i couldnt get up . It was like i was glued to the ground . I finaly got enough strength to lift my self up . I opend my eyes and saw,a miny robot . I looked around to see if any one else was around but their was only a large building about 15 yards away from me . I finaly heard the hello again and swang my head,I didnt scream but I just swang my head around . It was the miny robot that said hello?I asked him "Whare am I ? " In a serious tone. He told me " Welcome to the world of destiny!" "Why am i here ?  I just got in to a plane crash and ended up here. am i in heven?" "No Y/N , you were in the army and when that plane crashed you saved 10,000 people.Thats why your here." "Um okay ,but whare do we go now?"

sorry the chapters so short but they will get longer.This is my first story so yeah 165 words. Bye.

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