chapter one

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sometimes, harry just wants to fall asleep and never wake up. he wants to finally relax and calm down. he wants darkness and peace. but, he'll never get it.

harry just wants to fade into nothingness and breathe in the sweet smell of whatever else is out there. but, he'll never be able to.

every day at 8:08 he is forced to re-live that day; that fucking, god awful day. he's forced to put on an outfit - at this point he just puts any old thing on - and re-live the day he really, truly lost everything. why? because he's been cursed.

alright, maybe cursed is the wrong word. the night of august 28, 2014, when harry walked out to the river and laid down in the middle of the bridge, he didn't expect his wish upon a bright, blue star would lead to all this. he didn't realize that a mumbled, "i need a second chance," would result in a woman appearing to him and saying the words, "is that really what you want?"

of course, harry had rushed out a, "more than anything in the world! i would do this day over a million times if i could. i need him back," and the deal was struck. harry would forever re-live august 28, 2014 until he got it right.

that was however long ago. harry's lost track of the time he's spent in this worm hole. most days he doesn't even interact with louis. instead he watches him from afar, or spends time doing his own things. he goes to the movies and shops at the local stores. one time he even tried to fly somewhere.

(mid-flight, at midnight, he was no longer in the plane, but in his bed back at his apartment. that was when he learned that everything re-set at midnight. everything went back to how it had been.)

it's eleven fifty and he's outside the club, watching louis. louis is in line with some friends, like he always is, typing away on his phone. his eyes are focused on the screen and his friends are chatting away around him like nothing is amiss. just for kicks, harry pulls out his phone.

- thinking about you. X

he sends the message and watches for louis' response. the boy reads it and his brow knits together. for a brief moment harry believes he'll text back.

louis starts to type.

this is it.

he's getting out of here.

he's done with -

- i'm busy, harry. if you still want to talk, see me tomorrow

harry's heart shatters in his chest. there will never be a tomorrow. in seven minutes, everything will re-set. louis will be in bed, fast asleep, all memories gone, harry's message forgotten.

harry, too, will be in bed - awake, tired, lonely, and heartbroken.

[ oh my god this is going to be so good i can't wait to write this for real yaaas ]

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