Chapter 1: Dreams

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"Where are we going?"

"Lou it's cold!"

I gripped his hand tighter, pulling him behind me through the deep, feathery snow until we reached the stretch of frozen water behind my house. Turning around, I gripped his smaller hands in mine and felt an eruption of butterflies in my tummy as I whispered, "Okay.. open your eyes."

His bright, emerald green eyes fluttered open and immediately found mine before glancing behind me to see what it was I had brought him out here for. He flashed me his adorable, dimpled smile before giggling and engulfing me into his arms. I returned the hug, him burying his nose into my neck as he gaped at the beautiful scenery in front of him.

Precious emeralds met my crystalline blues as I loosened my grip on the younger boy in my arms. "Do you wanna go ice skating with me Haz? I can teach you," I pointed over to the crate of ice skates a few feet away from where we stood. Mum always had them out here in the winter for me and my Lottie.

The curly haired boy jumped up and down in excitement, his curls falling over his forehead, before he intertwined our fingers and led me towards the crate. I bent over and removed the lid, placing it on the ground beside me, and picking up two pairs of skates. I slipped mine on and laced them before I turned to Harry.

His eyebrows were scrunched together in concentration, his tongue slightly hanging out of his mouth. He looked up at me with pleading eyes, begging me to aid him.

"Haz you need to learn to tie your shoes," I said. "But I'll help you anytime you need because you're my Hazza, alright?"

Harry just smiled at me fondly. I took both of his fragile hands in mine and walked us towards the mass of ice. I gracefully walked onto the lake, pulling Harry in front of me while I skated backwards. Harry held onto me for dear life, never losing contact with my eyes.

"Lou, don't let go I'm gonna fall..."

I squeezed his fingers in mine, reassuring him as we skated around the lake.

"Shhh, Haz it's okay." "I've gotcha, I'm not letting go."

I began pulling him faster as he accustomed to being on the ice, a toothy grin placed itself on his face, and vibrant eyes replaced those frightened ones. Though, as we skated, I didn't notice a small bump in the ice. My skate caught onto the chunk of frozen water, sending me flying onto my back with Harry landing on top of me.

Harry shakily brought his face out of my jacket to look me in the eyes before he burst into a fit of giggles. My stomach flipped as I heard the glorious sound coming from the beautiful boy laying on me. "What's so funny Harreh," I pondered.

I felt a tight squeeze to both of my hands as Harry looked down and laughed again. He raised up our intertwined hands and said "You never let me go.. just like you promised."

I rubbed gentle circle into his palms as I said, "Ill never let you go."

The boy who placed those butterflies in my heart, sent them in a flurry as he bent down, placing a peck on my cheek, before helping us up, and heading home.. All the while, my cheek tingled, my face flushed, and those butterflies never left.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2014 ⏰

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