A Brief Throwback

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When I woke up this morning, the sun was shining and the birds were chirping, and I barely slept last night, but it felt like spring.

And honestly. I loved it.

Because, it reminded me of Easter. Last years Easter more specifically. Last years Easters-eve, if that's even a thing, we went to the zoo and crap and had a good time. Atleast I did.

Soooo, I think Easters my new favorite holiday.

My favorite holiday used to always be christmas, and I loved the snow, and the feeling, and the lights, and the presents,

But now I low-key hate it XD.

Its not like I even had a bad christmas in 2017, I just didn't like it, at all.

So uh. Yeah, just put some negativness in your heart, so sorry.



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