Ch1 The Encounter

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After leaving your humble abode, you went ahead and tried looking for an old pal. You snuck and weaved through the shadows to reach the area surrounding U.A.

There. Bakugou, Katsuki. Time to say hello...

You watched Bakugou walk into the park, it was a shortcut to his house. You prop yourself on a tree branch right above him.

"Hey! You! Young Bakugou!" You yelled

"Huh? Who the hell are you?" the words were practically spat out his mouth

"Hmm...I see...I hear you like to fight" you said as you jumped down to his level.

"Oh please! You wouldn't last a second against me bitch!" he was getting annoyed by the hooded stranger

"How rude! Suppose I'll have to teach you some lessons, yes?" with that all people in the park were suddenly moved out and they moved on with their day as if nothing happened, the park was cleared, perfect for a battle.

You launched toward him, he seemed to be bored like you were simply a waste of his time, you swung a right hook at him. He also started with a right hook, you took note of it and swooped down to grab his leg, it worked.

"HEY LET GO OF ME YOU BI-" He yelled, however it was too late you already tugged his leg from underneath him, making him fall on his ass. Satisfied, you stepped on his chest and said

"I'll see you around young Bakugou..." you smirked and left toward your abode ,by way of the shadows.

~Bakugou's POV~

'Who the hell was that?!' I thought to myself. 'That damn bitch...but she looks familiar...'

"WHO THE HELL IS SHE?!?!??!" I yelled out loud, I stormed off to my home. 'I need to get my mind off this shit...hmm I'll just go to a near by café' I changed into a black tank top with a black zip-up jacket, black jeans and to top it all off I grabbed my ear buds and left for the café.

'Finally, so lets see....oh sounds good.' I stepped up to the counter and ordered.

"Uh hey, I'll have a cup of black coffee, yeah that's it" I said calmly

"Coming right up!" the clerk said happily.

'Tsk, you ain't that happy...'

Once I got my order I sat down in the corner of the shop near a window. Soon a young girl right around my age walked in, she had beautiful (H/C) hair, smooth (S/C) skin, and a cute out fit on. I watched her from where I sat, I watched her lips move as she ordered, she got the same order as me. Once she got her order she was about to take a sip, but then she looked up a me...'shit!' I turned away as fast as I could.

"Bakugou?! Bakugou Katsuki?!" the girls voice reached my ears sweetly. I looked up at the girl, who is now walking toward me, she sat down next to me.

"u-uh excuse me?" I spoke with suspition in my voice.

She seemed familiar but nothing came up.

"Awwww come on don't you remember me? Hmmmm... oh!" she spoke with a finger on her lower lip, she snapped when she got an idea.

"Hey Baku, we used to do this a lot as kids! In fact it was a little game you came up with! This'll surly get your memory going!" she proclaimed with pride.

She got really close, she grabbed my hands, I didn't stop her because I wanted to see where this was going and her hands where so soft and smooth. It was like touching an angel's skin.

"Huh? W-what did you say?" I asked as I didn't hear her the first time.

"I said make some explosions in your hands" she asked, I was confused and my faced must've clearly showed it considering she followed up with

"Trust me it'll be ok!" she spoke with a bright and warm smile. I did as she asked.

As I made the explosions go off in my hand a barrier or force field formed around my explosions. 'wait holy shit'

"Holy shit, (F/N) (L/N)?!" I said almost yelling.

"Y-yeah! That's right!'s been too long...Katsuki..." her voice became soft, a light pink blush highlighted her cheeks as she kept hold on my hands and lifted them to her face.

At this point I was 100% sure that I was blushing madly. In the blink of an eye she crashed into my chest, I wrapped my arms around her. She gripped my jacket.

"(F/N) W-why did you leave...I felt so, so alone..." I whispered to her, I felt vulnerable, I hate it but I need answers, I need to know why, why my first love left with out a trace...

-Note- Heheheheheh. I hope you enjoyed that lovely little bit!

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