Games and Arrows

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So here's another chapter. I hope you guys are enjoying this. Leave comments if you want it's fun reading those. Anyways on to the story!!!


*1st pov*


Mother had woken me up extra early today. She dragged me out of bed and stuffed me into a horrible, uncomfortable, tight, and formal dress. I can hardly breath in this thing! How does she expect me to survive the whole day in it?! How did anyone survive in dresses and corsets like this?!

To add a final touch she gave me a silver pendent. Placing it around my neck she backs up.

"You look absolutely beautiful," Mother cooes, looking pleased with herself.

"I...I can't breath!" I stutter out.

Mother ignores me and says, "Give us a twirl."

I stiffly turn around trying not to fall over in this insanely tight dress.

"I can't move! It's too tight!" I tell her. I make some strangled noises trying to move properly.

Mother counters by saying, "It's perfect." She gives me look, admiring me.

I make more strangled noises trying to stand more comfortably. This dress will be the death of me I swear.

Mother gets a look on her face and opens her mouth to say something. "(y/n)."

"Mom?" I ask confused.

"Just... Just remember to smile," she starts to say but changes what she was going to say.

Mother turns and walks out of the room, leaving me disappointed. I really wonder what she wanted to tell me.


*time skip brought to you by zhe awesome Prussia!*


Mother, Dad, the boys, and I sit on our thrones waiting for the three clans to enter. Each looked different than the others seeing as they come from different places. Our clan, Clan Austria is an Austrian/Prussian clan though we live in scotland now. (i've given up trying to find a name for the clans. If you have ideas let me know) I slump down in my throne, earning a disapproving look from Mother. I sit up and pull out a curl of hair just to add some character to my outfit.

The bagpipes begin to play as the three clans are announced and enter the room. Cheering erupts from all three clans.

Dad stands up to give a welcoming speech. "So, here ve are! The four clans! Uh...gathering...uh...for..."

Dad trips over his words and slows down as he forgets what he's supposed to say. I snicker quietly trying not to draw attention from Mother. Mother gets exasperated by Dad's slowness and stands up.

"The presentation of the suitors!" Mother finishes.

"The presentation of the suitors!" Dad copies. "Clan Native America!" (I have no inspiration for the clan names)

Lord Hania steps forward. I'm guessing he's Native America? I'm not really sure. "Your majesty, I present my heir and sire, who defended our land from invaders. Killing thousands who dared to threaten us, with his mighty sword!"

America came forwards, showing off his sword skills by swinging it around, doing tricks. He then poses showing off his muscles. I give him an unimpressed looks, even though he is good looking. I hide my face in my cap not wanting to watch him anymore. He seems a bit spoiled in this.

"Clan Britannia!" Dad calls out.

Lord Alexander steps up. He must be Britannia? I thought he was a girl. Honestly I don't care anymore. All the gender things is just going to break my mind if I keep thinking about it.

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