"Ask Her Out!"

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Addison's POV

It's been 2 months since zombies were allowed to go to Seabrook and it's been a month since full zombie integration and now me and Zed have been liking each for more than 1 month and were still technically not dating! Well,Were all meeting up soon anyway but first me and the poms are at my house

"Are you and Zed dating yet?" asked Bucky

"Not Yet.." I replied

"Sure?" asked Lacey

"Sure" I said seriously

Eliza's POV

Zed and Addison aren't dating and how is this okay! I guess I'll play matchmaker today. Oh,I'll make sure this happens!

"Zed,Do like Addison?" I asked

"Of course" said Zed

"Then ask her out!" I said

"I..I can't" said Zed anxiously

"Why not?" I asked

"I don't know.." said Zed

"Ask Addison out!" said Bonzo in zombies

"I'm late" I said as I ran to Addison's house and hid in the back even though zombies are aloud to be there I still have to sneak around. I looked around and found him.

"Hey" said B

"Are you sure about this?" I asked him

"As long as no one finds out" B said as

I smiled but the looked at my z-band and got a message from Zed. He's looking for me. I tell B good bye and reply to him and say i'm at the zombie light garden then run there in time. No one can know about B and me

Zed's POV

Eliza's been running off to places recently without us and when we ask her she hesitates and lies

"Where did you go?" I asked

"I..I went to the..um..park?" She replied hesitating which made it obvious she was lying

"Park?" I asked

"Yup" Said Eliza trying to walk away

"Tell me the truth" I asked

"They told me not to" Said Eliza

"Are they hurting you?" I asked angry

"No" Said Eliza with a grin on her face while walking away

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