Saving Grace

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"Hold on Cas!" Dean urged the angel to cling to life. His grace was burning fast. Dean knew forcing a new grace into him could have cosmic consequences but he couldn't risk losing him. He had lost so much but drew the line here. There would be no selling his soul, no demon deals, nothing could bring back a graceless angel except for god himself.

"Dean." Castiel choked the word out.

"We're almost there. You're gonna be alright." Tears had begun to flow down the hunters face. The bottle of grace swung freely on his neck, it's soft blue glow illuminating Castiels paling face. They finally arrived at Ana's tree. Dean set him down carfully before falling to his knees beside him. He tilted Castiels head back and poured the fluid light into his mouth. He watched in awe as it traveled through his body, coming to a stop at his chest. The light quickly faded leaving Dean unsure if it work. "Please Cas." He begged his soulmate to awaken. Minutes passed and he held him breath. Hope left the man, leaving devastation in its wake. He shakily leaned down and planted a soft kiss on the angels lips. He began to pull away when a soft noise cause his eyes to spring open.

"I'm not sure it worked." Castiel smirked. "Maybe you should try again."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2014 ⏰

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