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I look down, and feel my cheeks go completely red. My Nana was a little, and before she died she had a special nursery made for me, I had been extremely depressed even more so after Nana passed, because I lost all my little stuff to the bank along with the house. 

All three softly coo at my blushing complexion, and it only causes me to become more red. "Darling, it's alright. You don't have to be shy with us," Emily softly says to me as she rubs my back. I hide my face into Liam's shoulder and whine, I'm so uncomfy, I thought to myself. Or at least I thought I did, evidently they all can read minds. 

"Baby doll, don't be uncomfortable with us. We need you to tell us if you know what that is, please baby. If not, then we'll have to explain it and that will take time away from you getting to eat your cookies", Liam whispers in my ear, but still loud enough for the others to hear. I sit up straight at this, and wiggle around on his lap. 

"COOKIES?", I yell with my mouth agape. I hadn't had cookies in soooo long. At this I receive a light tap on my butt and hear Liam reprimand me, saying to use my inside voice. 

Emily shakes her head and says sternly, "You won't get cookies if you don't answer the question little one." 

I nod and look down again, "I knows what that is." They all look down and smile at me, cooing at how cute I am. I pout and grumble "I not cute." I scrunch my nose up and stick my tongue out at them, fully slipping into my little space now. 

Liam pats my butt once more and frowns at me, "We will go over the rules later little one, but one of them is no bad talking yourself. And I expect you to follow that rule from now on, I'll let this first one slide though, because you didn't know." He finishes with a kiss to my forehead and I pout, I get stupid rules

Abruptly, I feel myself being lifted up onto Liam's hip as he takes me to the kitchen. "I gets cookies now?", I ask while tilting my head to one side. He chuckles and nods at me, bouncing me a bit. I giggle and ask for a sugar cookie. 

"Do you want juice or milk with that baby?", Emily asks from the fridge, a Winnie the Pooh sippy cup in her hand. I squeal and request apple juice, yet again being reprimanded for being too loud, but I was getting a cookie so it was worth the booty taps. I giggle softly to myself and say quietly, "Booty taps." This causes me to go into a full on fit of giggles and then suddenly I am very aware of the fact that I need to pee, very very badly. I poke Liam and whisper in his ear, "I gotta potty." 

"You have a diaper on baby," he says back to me calmly. Tears well up in my eyes and my breathing quickens as I start to panic. I've never used a diaper before, my nana always told me that she had some for me if I ever wanted to, but I was always too scared. My immediate panic shocks him and he starts to attempt to soothe my cries. "You haven't used a diaper before honey?" 

"N-no," I respond shakily. Emily is now preparing me a warm bottle with some calming medicine instead of the juice I requested previously, I heard her say this to the other two and it only made me panic more. I just wanted to use the toilet. "Can I please please go use the potty?", I slowly start to panic more and more as the urge to pee has become greater and greater. 

Liam rubs small circles into my lower back and whispers calming words in my ear. Once my bottle was done and mixed thoroughly, I was brought back to the beautiful nursery I woke up in a little while ago. Liam carefully handed my shaking body to Emily, and she rocked me gently as we were sat in the large pink rocking chair. She rubbed my tummy and I only cried more "If you want to be our baby you need to use your diaper. It will be okay babygirl, Mommy's here." 

This calms me a little and I start to drink the warm bottle, this calms me extremely quickly. I cry loudly as I finally use my diaper. "M-mommy," I whimper lowly. She pulls me closer to her chest and rocks me, rubbing my back the same way Liam did. 

"You did so good baby, so good. Mommy's very proud of you," she kisses the top of my head and carries my limp body toward the large changing table. During this whole ordeal, the boys had left to give my Mommy and I some privacy, and I was grateful for that. I became very sleepy once again, as I tend to after any panic attack I have. But this time the medicine that she gave me made me even more tired than I already was, this causes me to fall even deeper into my headspace. 

"Mommy," I whisper, "are they my Daddies toos?" 

She looks down at me and chuckles, "Yes baby, but only if you want them to be." I squeal and nod, then yawn and rub my small eyes. After she was done changing me, she brought me to a different room. I assumed this was her room, and it was gorgeous, just like her. She sits on the bed and cradles me,"Take a nap, sleepy baby. You can say hi to your Daddies when you wake up." I nod and lay my head on her chest, for once in a long time, I finally felt loved. 

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