Chapter Four "From Her Eyes"

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Slowly dipping her spoon into her bowl of soup, Mikasa watches Eren's haste to get to the open spot next to Captain Levi.

She watches as what seems to be nothing happening.

But, then she sees it. Eren's eyes spike with excitement. Mikasa looks at them trying to see what could of caused the excitement in his eyes.

She shifts her eyes to see under the table, before she could see anything, Erwin sits in her line of sight.

She tries to move her head around to see anything but can't. Continuing to eat the soup in front of her she gives up her search.

Mikasa quickly finished the contents in her soup. Lifting the bowl to her face to down the juice, as she lowers the bowl from her face she sees it.

Erwin moved from his spot only a couple feet talking to Zoe.

Mikasa's eyes widen slightly as she sees Eren's face strawberry red. She shifts her eyes down again and sees Captain Levi grabbing Eren's little finger and rubbing it.


Mikasa looks up and sees Petra out of breath. She looks at Eren, who is looking at Captain Levi.

'He almost looks amazed by him..'

"What is it Petra?"


Mikasa shoots a glare at Petra.

"ALRIGHT EVERYONE! LUNCH IS OVER, GET YOUR GEAR. YOU KNOW THE DRILL!" Erwin yells at everyone as Captain Levi leaves the room with Petra.

Eren grabs his gear and walks out the door. Armin looks at Mikasa with worried eyes, "It's okay Armin, you're with the resupply group, they need you. Eren and I will be okay," Mikasa says with a distracted tone and weak smile.

'What was that face, Eren?'

"I hope the squad gets to use the Diamond Effect." Armin says as he straps on his 3DMG.

Having full attention now, Mikasa looks at Armin smiling, "Maybe, maybe today will be your lucky day and Captain Levi will have him shift, then he will see you are an excellent strategist."

Armin's eyes light up with excitement.

Mikasa is reminded of Eren and that same excitement Eren's eyes showed.

She fastens the last strap and walks out with the rest of the group. Mikasa stops just slightly behind Eren to his left. She looks around at everyone else and sees all the worried faces. She feels the rumbling under her feet and looks up at Eren who is looking at Captain Levi.

A loud scream is let out by the girl right next to Mikasa. Mikasa's eye twitches slightly and turns to the girl. Her eyes, her blue eyes faded with horror.

She turns and sees them.






Mikasa jumps back into the Diamond Effect position, she lifts up her red scarf over her mouth and nose before the smoke blinds her.

As the smoke clears away with the cool breeze, Eren lets out his cry and brings his right foot back. The Diamond follow his movements.

Mikasa watches and Eren's right dominant foot pushes into the ground.

'You've always been weird for leading with your non-dominant foot, Eren....' Mikasa thought as she shoots a line into a nearby tree.

Mikasa hangs in the tree with her feet against it, waiting for Eren's hand to open up.

Eren's hand swings around and Mikasa shoots the lines.


Mikasa glances at the horde of Titans and relaxes her neck closing her eyes, bringing her legs and pointing her feet. Leading with her feet she shoots through the air like a bullet. She opens her eyes and sees the tops of trees passing her along with other troops that Eren shot off. She unsheaths two of her blades and starts spinning in the air.

Passes the first 7m class Titan and shoots a line into a tree, circles around slicing a wedge out of the neck.

'Perfect timing.'

Eren lets out his get-out-of-my-way cry as Mikasa rides the Titan to the ground. She looks up and a dead flailing Titan with black holes for eyes, flies over head hitting into a group of Titans like a bowling ball.

Mikasa watches as her Titan friend keeps on running past the downed Titans getting their necks sliced by squad members who dropped from the trees.

A muscled [Authors Note, this is what we're gonna call Titans without skin.] Titan with blonde hair runs into the corner of her vision. Shifting her eyes between the muscled Titan and Eren she sees the muscled Titan is going straight for Eren.

Mikasa shoots two lines launching herself as fast as she could.


Mikasa yells as the muscled Titan side swipes Eren. Landing on a limb she watches as a figure raises from the cloudy debris.


Mikasa is stunned by the other Titan.

'It much like....'

The muscled Titan runs in the direction of Mikasa. Mikasa watches as the Titan runs under her. Jolting her head back at Eren as he lets out a groan, he bolts out of the debris.

Captain Levi swishes past Mikasa.

'What the f-...'

"MIKASA! WE NEED YOU!" Erwin yells at her as he whizzes by.

Mikasa finishes off the rest of the crawlys before she starts to worry about Eren again.

She looks around and there is no sign of them. She downs a 15m runner with Petra, when she tells Petra she's going after Eren.

Petra nods and goes to help Erwin with another 15m walker.

Mikasa goes in the direction that she saw Captain Levi, Eren, and the muscled Titan go in.

Mikasa sees the muscled Titan run right in front of her.

'No Eren....or Captain Levi.'


'Sounds like Captain Levi!'

Mikasa launches into the opposite direction.

'Sounded so far away.' Mikasa thought as she looks for them until she sees a wall of steam rolling on the round.

'That must be from Eren!'

She finds the source of the steam.

'Just a 5m, but that is way too much steam to come from only a 5m. Eren must of shifted back.'

Mikasa looks up and around. She starts to circle up a great tree. Takes a knee on a limb out of breath and looks to the sides.

Her eyes widen. She watches. Her whole world is moving almost as if someone pressed the slow motion button.


This Mysterious Love; Attack on Titan; Eren x Levi-yaoiWhere stories live. Discover now