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Once again, we had a bunch of stuff with us, but we didn't complain. It was way too better to wander around the empty streets than in the desert or woods. The others had walked on the hard part of the journey, and we were closer than ever to finish the mission. At least that was what Ivy was saying.

"I'm sorry about earlier," I say to her.

I sat next to her, and I started to wash a T-shirt in the little river that was flowing near us. The others were lying on the ground and resting.

"Jo, I have to admit that you freaked me out when I saw your reaction, and I don't get scared easily. It was something in your eyes. For a second, I could swear I saw an orange spark in your eyes."

I stared at her shocked. I didn't know how to react. 

"I have to tell you something. Honestly, I believe that things have gone way too crazy. I can't say that I'm not happy that you brought Aaron back, but don't you find this a little bit exaggerated? Unusual? Mad? I mean, what sane person brings back a soul from the Underworld? And I can't explain how is possible for him to be here, when I know we buried his body... Everything is going crazy! Isn't anything normal? What if... I don't know... what if he isn't exactly him?"

"Ivy, I get you. I assure you he's Aaron. But you have to put yourself in my place for one second and see the things the way I do. I have promised myself not to lose another person, and when I got the chance to respect my promise, I didn't hesitate."

"Don't you think it's too much?"

"Nothing is too much if you really want it." 

Ivy looked at me, but I wasn't sure she understood what I said. She gathered her washed things and went back to the others. I remained there, thinking about what she had said. The cold water was flowing through my fingers. I went back in time for a few seconds, and I tried to live one moment from my life again back in Vals. The bonfires near the Orin Lake. People dancing, lights on, lanterns, scary stories, love stories or from our childhood. It was so damn beautiful. What was I doing here? How and when had changes so many things? When did the time become irrelevant? What about the seasons? I woke up from that dreaming state, and I saw my T-shirt taken by the water. I didn't bother to go after it because it was too far. I got up, and I sighed. What was wrong with me? I had anger issues. I couldn't control myself and, from what Ivy was saying, my eyes were turning orange. What was the price I had to pay for doing the right thing? 

I put some cold water into my palms, and I washed my face. I returned to the others. Ivy had tied up the wet clothes on her backpack. It was hot outside, so they were about to dry quickly.

"Why don't you get another car?" I ask. "It would make our journey easier."

"Uh, we had another one, but it ended up just like the others," says Andy. "It seems like we have some difficulties in keeping a car in one piece, just like you had back in Vals with the phones."

"Anyway, the last part of the road it must be made on foot," adds Deby. 

Andy's answer started some laughs from Deby and me. We told Aaron and Ivy about my phone thing, and they approved Andy. Our good mood was disturbed by some gunshots.

In front of us, the windows of an old gas station broke, and a woman was thrown through them. She fell shot at our feet. It was a nymph. We took a defensive position and walked to the gas station. In this time, there were two more shots, and when we got closer, we saw a young woman who was putting some box of chocolates in her bag. When she saw us, she pointed the gun at us. Behind her appeared a nymph and I shot her quickly, without hesitation. The girl got scared, and she shot at me, but I managed to get away just in time. The bullet just scratched me.

Traveler - The Price (Book 3)Where stories live. Discover now