Part 1

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In the park....

Bees flying around as usual, flowers growing , birds sweetly chirping in the trees, and the cold breeze in the air, nothing could ever go wrong, everything was perfect...

Not really perfect.

And unexpected draqonequus appeared in fluttershys eyes, "Oh! Discord you quite startled me a bit.." fluttershy said sweetly "well sorry fluttershy i didn't mean to startled you" the draqonequus said "well, its kind of okay now...what are you doing here?" Fluttershy asked

"Well i was looking for a flower" Discord said "you could just look in the flower shops" Fluttershy said "oh! Your right thanks Fluttershy!" Discord said and discord teleported to the flower shops , Tomorrow was happy hearts and hoofs day discord didn't know what to buy, but he knew what he saw beautiful red petals and thorns on the stems

He knew what he saw "the perfect flower for happy hearts and hoofs day!...well everypony buys these flowers" discord said and teleported again to his chaotic castle

"Im not quite sure to give her a simple flower, but this flower has a tip of my love for her" discord said

~~~at the Park~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Fluttershy was sitting in grass and watch the sun go down.

"It is beautiful is it?" Fluttershy said, Angel Bunny Squeaked , "well, lets go home angel bunny i bet your hungry already" Fluttershy said angel bunny squeaked and angel bunny's tummy rumbles

(Just a Short Cute picture of baby bunnies)

When Fluttershy and Angel bunny got home, Fluttershy got a fresh carrot 🥕 on the garden patch

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When Fluttershy and Angel bunny got home, Fluttershy got a fresh carrot 🥕 on the garden patch.
Angel bunny was jumping "slow down angel bunny,ok here you go" fluttershy said and giggled " I wonder what discord is doing right know..."

To beh Continued....

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