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As soon as he heard someone knocking on his door, he ran to it and opened it.

Yoongi was on the other side, brow furrowed and eyes red and puffy, confirming his suspicion that he had cried. He grabbed the elder's arm and pulled him towards himself, quickly wrapping his arms around him. Yoongi hugged his waist, his head resting on his shoulder. Hoseok closed the door of his house and stayed there a few minutes with Yoongi, just holding him, knowing he needed that. He caressed the shorter's back and hair, murmuring sweet nothings to him.

"Yoongi, honey, what happened?", he whispered.

The black haired male sighed, disentangling himself from Hoseok. He took his shoes off and slowly walked to the younger's couch, sitting there. Hoseok decided to bring a cup of coffee for Yoongi and a glass of warm milk for himself. When it was ready, he made it just like Yoongi liked: black with three of sugar, and then brought it to the other on the living room.

Yoongi thanked him and gladly took it, drinking it slowly, Hoseok watching him while drinking his milk. The older smirked when he saw a little milk mustache on Hoseok's upper lip, the taller subconsciously licking it.

"Can't believe you still drink warm milk," he said playfully.

Hoseok furrowed his brow.

"It comforts me, shut up. I don't say anything about you being a coffee addict."

Yoongi laughed. God, five minutes in and he already felt better. Jung Hoseok was amazing.

Both of them watched each other silently, Hoseok still drinking his milk, while the other already had finished his coffee. When the brunette finished his milk, Yoongi opened his arms, making grabby hands at Hoseok, the younger giggling while happily complying, throwing himself on the other, hugging his waist tightly and burrowing his head on his chest. He nuzzled the older, and Yoongi burrowed his nose on Hoseok's hair, smelling that sweet and calming vanilla scent of the brown haired boy. He already felt so calm.

"Are you going to tell me what happened? Or are we going to just cuddle all day?", Hoseok asked.

Yoongi hummed.

"I'd certainly prefer cuddling all day, but I guess I'll tell you."

Hoseok looked up at Yoongi, his eyes looking so big and innocent from Yoongi's position he just wanted to hug the other tighter and never let him go, protecting him from everything and everyone. The younger silently requested Yoongi to keep going with a movement of his head.

"I was... I was fired. The company wasn't going well, it seems, and they had to cut costs and fire someone, and, well, I was the newest of them all. Most of the employees had been since the beginning, so I had to be fired. It sucks, and I'll have to find a new job soon but I don't know if I can keep paying the rent. Being an adult sucks."

Hoseok hummed in agreement. Being an adult definitely sucked.

Without even thinking it, Hoseok quickly suggested:

"You can come live with me, you know? I wouldn't mind. I have a spare room, and even if I didn't have it, you could sleep on the couch or with me. At least until you find some stability again, job and economic wise. It would be like college again," he sweetly smiled at Yoongi, who instantly returned it with a soft smile of his own, kissing the younger's forehead and staying there for a while.

"You're an angel. Thank you."

Hoseok shrugged, closing his eyes and nuzzling Yoongi's chest.

"It's the least I could do, you know? Before I got this job, at the dance academy, you had been more than good economically for like a year and a half, and still, you didn't move because you wanted to help me 'till I was good and stable economically."

Yoongi closed his eyes, his tight-lipped smile wider and softer.

"You're my little Seokseok. How could I not?

Hoseok felt giddy on the inside, a warm feeling replacing the bad feeling he had until Yoongi arrived. His smile got wider and he hid on the older's chest, pink dusting his cheeks and ears.

"Shut up, asshole."

Yoongi put a hand on his chest and made an exaggerated hurt expression. He groaned.

"Oh my God, oh, oh, my heart, it hurts. I can't believe my little, innocent and pure Seokseok would do this to me. Oh, my heart hurts. This is unbelievable."

Hoseok laughed and pushed Yoongi.

"Oh my God, stop it. Don't be such a drama queen. And, hyung, seriously, me? Pure? You more than anyone knows the kind of things I did with my ex-boyfriend."

The older made a disgusted face.

"We don't talk about that dick, Hoseok. And, yes, I would know. You two were too kinky for my own good. You traumatized me." He shivered.

Hoseok rolled his eyes. "Like you are any better."

"I was not that kinky! My kinks were more vanilla! They are more vanilla!"

"Dirty talk is not vanilla."

"It is vanilla compared to the weird shit you did with the idiot."

The brunette was going to reply but realized Yoongi was right.

"Ugh, shut up."

He stood up and looked at Yoongi. "Come on, hyung. Let's go to your department and start moving your things."

Yoongi made a face.

"No, let's cuddle a little more. Then, we go to my place. We got time. It's not like I'll get kicked out tomorrow."

Hoseok rolled his eyes. Again. "Whatever," he murmured, throwing himself on the couch over Yoongi, his head on the other's chest, arms wrapped around the shorter and legs tangled with Yoongi's.


non proof read nor edited or whatever aishkahska any mistake you find, tell me pls
hope you liked it sweeties 💕

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