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This story is a real dream I had in a span of a couple of hours. It affected me deeply and felt that I need to record its strangeness. Please feel free to give your opinions...

I had a dream where I was in a kind of hostel for competitors. There was a big event scheduled to occur in a month or so, there were several kinds of competitions leading to it, which would be awarded at the event. In any case I was participating in the singing competition. There were some other friends staying at the hostel as well some for the same competition, some for others. I only have an impression of their faces, but I know that some friends were people who I know from the real world, while some were entirely unfamiliar. The competition consisted of two smaller competitions and one large one in which the results of the other two competitions are taken into account as well. In any case I practiced hard and in the first two I got silver and gold, and in the final most tough one I managed to score a bronze which though I was a bit disappointed was pretty good. 

Meanwhile during the time of practice and the competitions till the big event at the end of the month I had a side job in my freetime to finance my stay at the hostel place. In the dream the main event was not just a cultural event but also a political one for some reason. And some major political appointments would be announced at this event. My parttime job was as one of two assistants to one of these politicians who was staying at the same place, a person equivalent to a senator but not exactly one. He was a good person though and wanted to do good to people and I was helping with his campaign kind of thing. In any case it was hard work, and about a couple days before the big event after the final of the music competition, it was confirmed secretly by the Council that he had been appointed to a major leading position and those of us who were involved were happy though we kept it quiet from others so that we could protect the politician from assassinations leading to the event. 

On the event day I was excited both for myself and politician friend, and though I had been invited to sit with his team and the other assistant I declined. My mother had come for the event as I was getting the award and I was sitting with her and my friends who were not getting any awards unfortunately. The other assistant said she would contact me if something came up. My mother had never been to such a large venue and was nervous but I assured her it was great, I knew since I had been involved with the event preparations. The event was happening inside a kind of high security embassy and each of us had a small lock of hair cut off for DNA in addition to the usual body checks. This meant each person took a long time with the security check, five minutes each at least. I did mine remarked jokingly to the security officer that their scissors was quite dull from all the cutting hair. They laughed and I was through. I went up the stairs to wait in front of the entrance to the hall. After two minutes I thought I should find a place for everyone. I found the hall crowded with seating from chairs and comfy sofas providing seating for over 2000 people. The noise was deafening. The front seats were crowded on the near corner. I went around the front to the centre seating and to my surprise the third column was moved much further back maybe to provide space for some part of the event. The front row of that column did not have any chairs but had a nice long comfy sofa which could seat about 8 people. After checking with an event assistant wandering by that it was not reserved I quickly occupied the sofa. One of my friends who had gone in earlier came over and we sat there chatting waiting for the others. After about 20 minutes I started feeling uneasy wondering if they couldn't find me and sat somewhere else. I especially wanted my mother with me. I told my friend who was with me, and she said she would stay back while I searched. So I went, the event was starting, but I ignored it and kept searching the entire hall, but they were not there. I was now extremely worried, and wondered whether something happened to my mother. She was not completely healthy and I was regretting not waiting for them at the staircase and leaving her to my friends. What if she had fallen down the stairs?? All sorts of horrid possibilities appeared in my mind...I had no idea if my awards had been given, I didn't even care anymore. After almost an hour I was slumped at a table in the lunch area behind the hall where vendors were setting up. There was a staircase there too leading outside, and I saw people coming up the stairs, focusing on them through tears I realised that it was one of my friends and her boyfriend. Shocked and relieved I ran to them and found out that they had checked in then found there was a historical site within the premises and went to see it including my mother. Fury rose in me as I realised not only my friends but even my own mother cared enough to wait till the end of the event, or even cared enough to at least remember to inform me. And then my mother came in, "Oh here you are, see you don't take me where I want to go, its only your friends who do" she remarked carelessly. As the rage inside me reached epic proportions I realised that the reason she had come was not for her love and pride of me but just for the opportunity to sightsee the capital. My voice was cold as ice as I asked her " You didn't remember my Awards ceremony, did you?" She froze...."I...is it over???". "I don't know, do I. After all I was looking for you all this time". Her face shows her awareness that she has now made a major mistake. I think of my ways for revenge. I think I will get the awards and then go home and suicide. I think of poison but it takes too long and has no guarantee. No I think I will hang myself from the ceiling rafters. I will put the three awards bronze, silver and gold underneath me and leave a folded note..." May you find happiness with my friends who you care about more than me, Mother".. With these thoughts of pain, anger and hate.... 

...I woke up....

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2014 ⏰

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