Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

It's the middle of the night when I hear a soft knock on the door. I roll over so I'm facing the wall and I cover my ears with my pillow. I faintly hear another knock on the door and the creak of it opening. I see a dim light cast against the wall.

"Allie?" I hear my younger sisters soft voice. I remove the pillow from my face and roll over so I'm facing her. She's wearing one of my old nightgowns, even though it hangs off the shoulder because it's too big, and she's holding her teddy bear by the arm and it's legs are just sweeping the ground. "I'm sorry to wake you but I had another bad dream and I was wondering if I sleep with you?" I move closer to the wall and she takes that as her cue and comes over and curls up next to me on top of the comforter. I'm about to tell her to go close the door when her breath steadies and a small snore escapes her lips.

I carefully get up and close the door. I walk back to my bed and sit down next to Charlotte. I push her dress away from her ankle and look down at the name; Cole Mathers. She starts to stir so I crawl under the covers and I fall asleep almost immediately.

+ + +

I wake up to the smell of cooking. It must be Dominic-my parents never cook. I go to get up when I feel something pinning down my arm. Charlotte's still sleeping. She's usually the first one up. I have to wake her up or we'll be late for school. I shake her arm. "Charlotte? Char, it's time to get up for school," I say and she groans. "C'mon. We can't be late on the first day back from break!" She just groans more. "You asked for it," I say as I start tickling her.

"Stop it, Allie! Stop it!" She yells in-between giggles.

"Okay...," I smirk and the quickly tickle her again. She swats my hand away. "Go get dressed and I'll meet you downstairs for breakfast." She gets up and runs out of the room.

I go to my dresser and pull out a pair of black three-quarter leggings from the bottom drawer. Great, I think. I'll have to have mom write a name on my ankle. I walk over to the closet and pick out a light blue fringed tank top. I quickly put on the clothes, grab a black permanent marker, and run downstairs.

"Looks who's ready early today, Clem!" Dominic smirks as I run into the kitchen. "You want breakfast?"

"What'd you make?" I look over his shoulder. "Yum! French toast and bacon! My favorite!" I smile while walking towards the counter. Dominic blocks my path. "Excuse me," I say trying to get around him.

"You don't have anything to say to me?" he makes a hurt look and puts his hand on his chest. "I just made you your favorite breakfast, and I don't even get a simple thanks or thank you?"

"Thank you, dear brother, for making me the food I have desired all week!" I playfully smack his arm. "Now could you move so I can actually have some?" He raises his eyebrow. "Now could you please move so I can actually have some?"

"Better," he says as he steps out of my way. I'm starving so I load my plate with food and go sit down next to Clementine. I'm about to finish my bacon when I hear a click and Liam comes running into the kitchen.

"Allie, I found one of your hair pins on the front stoop," he says then eyes my plate and gestures toward it. "You gonna eat that?" Before I can tell him yes and grab it he swoops in hawk-like and takes it off my plate.

"Hey! That's mine!" I yell jumping up. "Give it back!" He shoves it in his mouth. He shrugs and smirks a "too late" kind of look.

"Hey, guys? Why is the front door wide open?" Dominic asks coming into the room. He sees Liam and stops. He sighs. "Dang it, Liam! We just got a new lock!"

Liam laughs and then looks back at me. "Shouldn't you be getting ready for school?"

I look at him skeptically. "You're not my brother," I say walking away, looking back at him from over my shoulder. That's not a good idea. I roll my ankle and fall. Dominic and Liam come running over to me.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2014 ⏰

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