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It started to be colder and colder with every meter deeper in the heart of the Earth

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It started to be colder and colder with every meter deeper in the heart of the Earth.

I was feeling the dampness on my skin that was softly caressing my face with its cold hands and at the same time, dampening my long brown hair.

I looked up at the small blue dot that was left of the sky.

Only bright dot in this darkness, surrounded by almost black ground.

I hope it's not the last time I see it.

I sighed and looked at the people around me who were, unlike me, looking down.

The thought of me, looking down in complete dark and nothingness, gave me chills.

I was never afraid of height, but now I think I am, actually, I'm terrified and I have a really bad feeling about all of this.

My lungs were clenching me and for the moment I even forgot how to breathe. You could say that I started to panic.

Like the addition, the crane suddenly stopped, followed by a loud bang so we all dangerously swinged.

I stopped scream half way out of  my throat.

I looked up, expecting the rope to break any second and then we will fall down in the abyss and stay there forever.

Kristal, optimism!

"It looks like they were left without the rope, we will have to go further on our own." One of the two man said the sentence that made the blood freeze in my veins.

Further? Where? Down?

Oh no, I'm not going. Thank you.

"What do you mean on our own?" I wrapped arms around myself expecting him to say that I heard something wrong.

"Go down and oh please, don't talk to me so formally, I'm not that old." He smiled winking at me which made me speechless for a moment, but in the next second I was already ready to protest the hardest I can.

"But I can't do that! I'm afraid of height!" I kind of lied, praying it will work and that there is a chance they will leave me here where is safe, or at least I think it's safe here.

"Who sent you?" Black-haired girl asked, looking at me with her piercing, poisonous eyes.

I totally needed her mean and sarcastic comments at the moment.

"I would like to know that too." I looked down and crossed my arms.

I mean, why would they send me here? I didn't even count how many times I already said this.

"They are obviously expecting some kind of drawings of stars down here." One of the men spoke up shrugging, while he was tying the rope around his waist.

I expected a mocking smile on his face like a few minutes ago, but he was even more than serious.

That means he really thinks that they sent me here because they really expected some kind of drawings of stars down here.

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