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"What makes my world lonely?
Seeing you with someone so happy"



"Alright, I'll go ahead now." he murmured.

Its been a month since I lost my job. I cannot even face my family after what happened. They don't even know my situation rigth now, good thing that I have my savings so I still have money for myself and some spare money to send them.

I am the bread winner of the family, the eldest of 3 children in our family. My sister is still studying, a junior high school student while the youngest is still in elementary, my father was gone and my mom is taking care of the three of us alone. Due to her age as well as her illness she cannot go to work and if she can, I'll still not allow her to because there is no one to take care of my siblings.

Walking down the streets, looking something to satisfy my craving, I passed to a store and notice the advertisement of a company needing a secretary. I know it's quite an odd to have a male secretary but let's give it a try. I pick my phone inside my pocket and took a photo of the advertisement. Upon returning home, I bought some egg omelette, of course with rice and then a glass of pink milk.


"This is the fifth one Sir." The head of Human resource department gave the papers to his boss.

And again, for the fifth time she heard the word "reject," she doesn't even know what qualifications his boss is looking for. Whenever she thinks that this particular will be hired because she is fitted for the job, his boss tend to reject the papers immediately.

"No more applicants Sir." she said as she get back the papers.

"Then continue tomorrow." The boss uttered like he was so bored.

"Okay Sir, but please tomorrow come with me because it's so hard to search for your standards. Maybe you could join tomorrow?" She pleaded. There's nothing she can do but this. For Pete's sake. It's already the 4th day of their hiring and searching for new secretary yet no one fits his standards.

"I'll think about it. You can go now."


This is it.

Breat in, breath out. I need to get this job. I must.

I closed the door as I walk outside my room. The company, to my surprise is just a few blocks away, walking distance.

I fix myselfㅡ my polo, necktie and even my hair. I walked down and traveled the streets to go to the company one hour ahead. I am afraid that they are strict when it comes to time. I really don't have any background about the company so its the safest thing to do.

Upon entering the company I noticed someone I know... or maybe I am just mistaken because I saw him but, its impossible to. Yes. Impossible.

Anyway, I am the first to arrive. I waited for almost 30 minutes yet there are only 2 more applicants that came by. In a few minutes the interview would start. There are only 3 of us here and I am the first to do the interview.

Few minutes later, somone approach us and called my name.

I stand up and walk inside. I was greeted by Ms. Durian (bitch. Haha) who is the head of HRD.

"So introduce yourself." she said.

" I am Krist Perawat, 26 years old, I graduated from **** university ㅡㅡ" I was in the middle of talking when Ms. Durian intruded.

"Isn't our boss graduated from that school also?"

After saying those words. The door creeks and then opened.

"Oh, speaking of the boss"

Someone walked inside, the last person I ever wanted to meet.

The hell, my EX!

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