13% available (plugged in, charging)

8 1 1

So, what brings me to say the status of my computer's battery?

-pretends its my status-


Anyways, I have a plan. I mean, I have absolutely zilch idea on what category should I succeed in.

Of course, I'm thumbs up on non-fic over here already lol.

Romance......Erhmm......on most my books

Teen fic. I'm experimenting it on 'Just Because You're A Jerk Doesn't Mean I Don't Like You'.

Paranormal//Mystery/Thriller//Chicklit are kinda out of my league.

Action? Definite no-no.

Fanfic? Hmm...haven't tried it yet.

So could you guys help me on this? I'm trying to do it on a majority.

I haven't tried Werewolf//Vampire yet.

Or, mabe I could try a Werewolf//Spiritual book. Lel. 

"The Spirit of The Werewolf".


Kay, I have writting more than usual. I am thankful for my hands.

Okay, this entry is worth evrything.

*gathers everything and plunks it on the computer*

kay byeh

xoxoxo AJ


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