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Y/N's POV:

"Yoongi..." "I'm sorry"

I tossed and turned, frustrated.


"Y/N! Wake up before I have to drag you're ass out of that bed!" my mum screamed while walking up the stairs.

"Great!" I sighed to myself with sarcasm.

I had a love/hate relationship with my mother. She was okay, I guess, well when she wasn't in her drunken state. The abuse that we both suffered from my poor excuse of a father changed us both. It changed my mum physically and emotionally, and not in a good way.

I threw my body out of bed and forced myself into the bathroom. Why is school even a thing, we're all going to fail in life anyway. I stared at my horrifying complexion in the mirror, squeezing my chubby cheeks, I frowned to myself.

"Why am I so ugly?" I whined.

I quickly showered and threw on my bland uniform. It's so old and tacky I hate it. Everyone gets stripped of their identity.

I walked towards my window and looked outside staring at the room opposite.

Yoongi's room. He would usually be using a straighter to style his hair at this time, he was one fashionable man, but he wasn't there. Maybe he'd already left. Probably with that girl. Hyuna.

Turning away disappointed, I did my usual makeup and combed my hair. I grabbed my school bag and rushed passed my mum. I was honestly so surprised that she was stable.

"Wait Y/N, have some breakfast" she smiled, showing her prominent teeth.

"I'm not hungry" I lied as I rushed out the door clicking it shut.

I never ate. I wanted to be pretty. I wanted Yoongi to like me.


This is my first attempt at writing like this and idk. Its also carrying on from the previous chapters but I just felt like I wanted a change and I decided to write this way. Idk I just idk. It's really bad but oh well. I really just want to thank exotaec . After reading all her amazing fanfics I felt really inspired to start my own so she is where I got my inspiration from. I know I'll never be as great as her but if it wasn't for her I wouldn't even have started. Her writing is really amazing and if anyone even reads this, if you haven't already you should check her out because I promise you that you will be hookeddd. I love her so much aswell she's so precious and she deserves the world she's like a little flower and everyone should just love her because she's that perfect and beautiful and gorgeous 🌸💓💘🌼💗💞💘💘💗🌼💖💓❤️

I just really enjoy writing and I feel like I can relieve my stress through it and it's helps take my mind off of things. But thank you to anyone reading this ( if anyone does) it means a lot ! I love you ❤️

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