Part 2: Welcome to Auradon

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The next day, you, Mal, and the others are brought to a gold and white limo. You're about to comment on how it got here but you quickly grab a hand from behind you. You turn to see Jay trying to swipe your wallet... Again. You sigh and toss the son of Jafar into the limo before entering it yourself. The first thing you notice is a mini fridge full of candies and such. Curious, you take a pack of gummies and try one. You smile as the treat tastes amazing.

The other kids get in as well as the limo starts up, ready to go. You sit away from Jay and Evie because while one tries to steal from you, the other constantly tries to mess with your hair. So you sit beside Mal, who is studying her mom's spellbook.

Y/N: So, what do you four think of this? Without the motivation our parents gave us.

Jay shrugs as he pops a chocolate in his mouth.

Jay: Could be fun. Bunch of people to pick pocket.

Carlos: I just hope there isn't any dogs on campus.

Evie smiles as she fixes invisible problems with her makeup while looking in her mom's magic hand mirror.

Evie: Maybe I'll find a cute prince.

You roll your eyes and look at Mal.

Y/N: What about you?

Mal: I guess it's best we do what we're told for now.

Y/N: Lame.

Evie: What are your thoughts on it?

Y/N: I hate it. I was already treated like a freak of nature on the Isle. All those royals better keep their mouths shut if they don't want to be human toast.

Your hair catches fire. Something that happens when you're angry. Fortunately for everyone else, Carlos found a fire extinguisher and blasts you in the face with it. You glare at the son of Cruela de Ville and get ready to punch him but Mal holds you back.

Mal: Calm down.

You grunt before leaning back into your seat. You look out the window to see the Isle of the Lost already in the distance. The limo makes a sudden stop, causing Evie to fly out of her seat and on top of you. Your blue highlight turns bright red as you blush. She quickly gets up and looks out the window with a gasp.

Evie: We're here!

The limo driver opens the door and you look at the huge castle that is used as Auradon Prep. You gotta admit, it doesn't look half bad.

You follow the others as they get out and you see a woman, a boy, and two girls approach you.

Fairy Godmother: Hello! I'm your headmistress, the Fairy Godmother.

Boy: I'm Prince Ben. Son of Beast and Belle.

The auburn haired girl clings to Ben while the other girl, one with platinum blonde hair and ice blue eyes looks at you.

Audrey: I'm Audrey. Daughter of Sleeping Beauty. And Ben's girlfriend.

Elise: Hey, I'm Elise. Elsa's daughter.

You look at each of them but something about Elise catches your attention. Whether it be her icy eyes looking at you as if looking into your very soul our the way her navy blue dress hugs her body. But something about her is different than the other two.

Your questions are soon answered when Elise notices a small fire by your boot, she thrusts her hand forward and ice bursts out and puts out the flames.

Y/N: You have powers too?

Elise: Yea- wait... Too?

You create a small blue fireball in your hand.

Y/N: I'm Y/N. The son of Hades.

Audrey backs away and you put out your flames.

Fairy Godmother: Yes. Do please try to not burn the school down.

Y/N: I'll try to behave.

Elise: I'll show you guys around.

Ben: Actually. Doug's supposed to show them around.

Y/N: I'm fine with it.

Elise: I'll help him. You know Doug gets a bit mixed up sometimes.

Ben: Good point. Well everyone. If you need anything-

Audrey: Ask Doug or Elise.

Your Thoughts: I already hate this girl. Elise is alright though. She doesn't act like how I thought a royal would. Now to plan on stealing that wand.

End of Part 2

Disney Descendants: Son Of Hades X Female OCWhere stories live. Discover now