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(Tom pov)
I woke up slowly remembering all of yesterday..... Wow.... We went from hating each other's guts I looked at tords face and smiled,I closed my eyes again and fell asleep.
(Time skip brought to you by idk)
(Tord pov)
I fell off the couch hitting the table "AH FUCKKK" I said getting up. I hit my side. I rubbed my side slowly only to get pulled into a hug. I winced in pain but I liked the hug. I looked up to see Tom, I pecked the tip of his nose and his face went red. I chuckled at him, then I got up to go get something to drink. I heard tom slightly pouting when I left for the kitchen. "It's ok my little blue berry I'll be back in a second" I said loud enough for him to hear me. I heard movement so I guess he crossed his arms or laid back down. I sighed, and started to poor some chocolate milk. I know Matt is gonna be pissed....were is Matt anyway? ....oh yeah.... vacation -_-. I walked back to the couch and sat down, taking a sip of my drink before setting it down. I looked over at Tom who was on the opposite side of me. He was asleep....sitting I tapped him.
(Tom POV)
I felt tapping on my arm and looked over, it was tord. I wrapped my arms around him and laid down with him on top of me. (I'm sorry 😂😂) ....what now... "IM BOREDDDDDDD" "Tom,'s 5:30, it's too early for this" tord grumbled. "ITS NEVER TO EARLY FOR PIZZAAAA" I got up, almost knocking tord off the couch "....sorry" I said, tord just looked at me "I hope you know that pizza places dont open till like 12:00" tord said. "Thanks for crushing my dreams" i said why sitting back down. I crossed my arms.
(Tord POV)
"Your cute when u get mad" I said why laying up against him, he just rolled his eyes. "What will make you feel better?" I asked, he just looked at me. I kissed him on the cheek,"we will order pizza later" i said , "but I'm hungryyy" he replied in a sad voice, "your like half robot tho" all I got was a look as a response and then Tom laid down "I'm tired now" I sighed and laid beside him. Tom soon fell asleep and I got on my phone waiting for him to wake up.

Heyyy guess who isn't deaddddd
Sorry this chapter sucks but the next one will be better, trust me

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2018 ⏰

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