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Hi I'm Emma, I have a YouTube channel called 'PotterHeads unite' that I do with my friend Emily. We have over 200,000,000 subscribers that love us to death. We are both huge Harry Potter nerds but Emily is far more obsessed than I am. I mean I barely have my own house robes and she has robes, wands, and everything else and yes I meant those s, she has more then one of almost all her stuff. I think that's why we shoot our videos in her room. But anyways it's the weekend and we are getting ready to shoot our weekly video. I'm supper excited because we are doing a 'kiss, marry, kill' challenge.
"Emily go check the mail!" Emilys mom yelled
"Ok" She yelled back
"I'll Finnish up the camera setting while you do that" I said. She smiled and ran out. I had finished setting up the camera when Emily came in with a bunch of letters.
"Let's See Fan, Fan, Fan... universal studios?" Emily said looking though the mail.
"Read it out loud" I said suddenly this became more interesting.
"Ok..." she said opening the letter
"Miss Smoke And Miss Jane we are proud to let you know we are giving you..." She stoped and froze
"What is it Em" I asked
"TWO FREE TICKETS TO SEE THE PREMIER OF FANTASTIC BEASTS!" She yelled excitement making her louder than usual
"WHAT!" I yelled from excitement. We started to face around the room.
"Girls! What is all the screaming for"
He must m asked coming in the door
"Oh that great dears well done!" Her mom congratulated us
"We have to announce this at the end of the video!" Emily said
"Like duh" I said happily
"Mom m leave that way we can make the video" Emily said. And her mom left.
"Ok let's get started you got the hat?" I asked Emily. And she held up her Bennie full of Harry Potter guy names.
"Ok rolling in 3...2...1...". She said pressing record on.
"Hey guys I'm Emily" I said
"And I'm Emma" Emily said
"Wait that was the wrong way around" I said
"Yeah let's do that again" Emily said
"I'm Emma" I said
"And I'm Emily and welcome to..." she said
"PotterHeads unite" we said in unison
"Ok so today we will be doing kiss marry kill..." I said
"But stuck till the very end because we have a special surprise for you guys." She said
"But let's get to it" I said taking 3 names out of the hat
"Hmm... Harry, Ron and Cedric" I said
"Kiss Ron, marry Harry, and kill Cedric" I said
"sorry Cedric but now you can be a sparkly vampire" Emily said. We both started to laugh as she took out 3 names.
"Let's see, Draco, Fred and Scorpios... wow, this is going to be hard. Um marry Draco, kiss scorpios, and kill... Fred... great now I'm going to cry" Emily said very dramatic. Which made me laugh. I took 3 more names out.
"I got, Flitch, Peter, and Voldemort... wow she got all the good looking characters then I get this. This game is rigged... um I guess marry Peter, kiss Voldemort and kill Flitch" I said a bit discussed. The rest of the game went fast. And we were now about to announce or surprise.
"Ok you made it to the end of the video and now for our surprise..." Emily said
"We are going to the fantastic beasts premiere!" We both said in unison.
"There you have it the thing you are still watching this video for" I said
"See you later my fellow PotterHeads..." Emily said falling out of her seat. I tired to hide a laugh.
"I'm ok" she said in between laughs.
"We'll see you next time on PotterHeads unite" I said trying to help Emily up. Something tells me this premiere is going to change my life...

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