Chapter One: Rescue

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A/N: I will be putting really pretty Supernatural fanarts for the pictures on each chapter, whether they're relevant or not. Here's some Gabe for y'all in honor of his return. 

It was late at night.

Or was it in the early hours of the morning...

Lily couldn't tell.

     She hobbled on her good foot, using a pole she found in the woods as a makeshift crutch. Pain radiated from her ankle, up her leg, and into her back. It had  to be broken. Tears streaked down her dirty and sweaty face as she recalled recent events. She woke up in a hole in the ground in the middle of nowhere. She was disoriented, exhausted, confused, and terrified.

Most of all, she wasn't even supposed to be alive

     Lily had crawled her way out of a pit, walked for hours, broken her ankle running away from nothing, and still managed to stay on her good foot. Eventually, she found a road. She looked up and, judging by where the moon was, it was about midnight. Lily usually would have soaked up the dazzling stars with her blue-green eyes, but she was too scared to take her eyes off the road. She hobbled down the road, hoping for someone to be out and about. After an eternity of walking, Lily was too exhausted to continue her quest. She sat down in the middle of the road. Her eyes were red and puffy, her teeth chattering from cold, and hands trembling with fear. She sat in wait, feeling like a froot loop in a world full of cheerios, a feeling she used to embrace. She loved standing out and being herself, even if it meant being alone. She had her family, and that was enough. Now, she's alone, paralyzed with fear, exposed to every monster in America. You're a hunter for pete's sake, Lily told herself. But tonight, she was no longer a hunter who scared vamps out of their nests. She no longer made skinwalkers scatter their packs in fear. She didn't save people. She didn't hunt things. She felt like a weak, terrified, broken little girl.

     Then, she heard a car engine in the distance. Lily drew herself to her feet, balancing on her stick. She waves her free hand as the car comes around the curve. The car slams on the brakes, the headlights blinding Lily. Two men jumped out of the car and ran towards her, but nothing registered with her. Her vision was blurred and spotty and she could feel her energy rapidly draining. The taller man was asking her questions, but she couldn't understand him. In her daze, Lily stumbled and accidentally stepped down on her bad ankle. A sharp, white hot pain tore through her senses. She blacked out right as the taller man held out his hand to her.

She was laying down in the backseat of a car.

     Lily heard the soft purr of the engine, attempting to lull her back to sleep. But then she remembered that she blacked out. She shot up from her sleepy daze, not remembering her broken ankle. As soon as she does so, her ankle flares in pain. She lets out a soft whimper, which alerts the two men in the car.

"Hey, take it easy.", a silky voice says as its owner notices you trying to sit up. "You're gonna be fine. We're talking you to the hospital"

He speaks softly, as if he'll startle her if he speaks loudly.

     Lily doesn't reply immediately. She tries to recall what happened. She remembers waking up in that hole, running, getting hurt, and finding the road. But the events leading up to it...

She's not sure if she wants to remember.

    Lily sinks down further into the seat, trying to hide the tears forming in her eyes. She remembers being in that... place. It was so evil that she could hardly fathom it. The screams of fellow condemned souls. The insane laugh of demons enjoying their job. They got to do what they do best.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2018 ⏰

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