chapter nine

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"have you seen harry?" louis jumps at the chance to escape from the mob of freshmen when he sees zayn walk past. eleanor attaches herself to louis' arm and glares at the freshman girls until they disperse. louis makes a mental note to thank her for that later.

"last time i saw him he was going upstairs looking for you," zayn shrugs. he narrows his eyes at eleanor and shakes his head. "he's gay - leave him alone."

"ugh," eleanor groans. "he's technically bi so it's okay!"

"he likes dick, not vagina!" zayn argues back. the two begin to argue about where harry is, who will get to him first, and who he'll fuck senseless. louis quickly detaches himself from eleanor and heads upstairs in search of harry.

once upstairs, louis places his ear at every door. if he hears moaning he knows it isn't harry. the spare bedroom at the end of the hall is quiet, and he opens the door.

harry is sitting on the bed, resting against the headboard. his feet are laid out flat in front of him. to his left, a bottle of peach schnapps, and to his right a thing of orange juice. on the bedside table are four joints, already rolled. a fifth is placed between harry's lips.

"hey," he says around the joint. he picks up a cup and begins to pour equal parts peach schnapps and orange juice into the cup. he mixes it a little with his finger and then removes the joint to take a sip.

"really?" louis steps inside and closes the door. he walks over to the bed and breathes in the sickly sweet smell of weed.

"i didn't really want to take part in the slut fest downstairs," harry mumbles. "all those girls all over you. it's sickening."

louis chuckles softly and cracks his knuckles - a nervous habit - looking around the room. it's been a while since he and harry crashed at zayn's, and louis' never been in the spare bedroom before. usually the three of them pass out in the den with liam and niall after stuffing themselves with pizza and playing video games.

"what're you drinking?" louis asks even though he knows the answer. he's making his own fuzzy navels - louis' favorite. harry absolutely despises them and the idea of fruity drinks, saying they're too feminine for him to be seen with, but louis thinks all of that was just an act. he's always figured harry was more of fruity drink kind of guy. looks like he was right.

"your favorite," harry holds out the cup. louis crawls onto the bed and sits down criss-cross-apple-sauce beside harry. he takes the cup and drinks a small sip. perfect.

"i thought you didn't do fruity drinks," louis smirks. he reaches over and takes the light joint from harry's lips, taking a drag. he exhales the smoke through his nose and hands the joint back to harry, who returns it to his lips.

"i don't," he shrugs. "but you like this shit, and i figured i'd give it a try. absolute shit, it is."

louis watches with a soft smirk at his lips as harry removes the joint and puts the cup to his lips, drinking half the glass at once. louis reaches for the joint again and, once he's returned it to harry, retrieves the cup.

"sharing is caring," louis laughs, an easy feeling settling inside his chest. he feels light and content to just sit here with his twin and share drinks and joints. for a moment, there isn't any other place he'd rather be.

the two take turns, one taking a drag of a joint while the other takes a sip from the cup. they run out of orange juice before they get halfway through the bottle of peach schnapps, so they start to just take sips from the bottle. both are feeling warm and tingly and for once, it seems, the world is in the palms of their hands.

"tell me something i don't know about you," louis says randomly, taking a long drag from the joint balanced between his pointer and middle finger. "there has to be something even i don't know."

"oh, man," harry laughs and reaches for the joint. "can it be anything?"

"anything," louis nods, reaching for the schnapps.

"i've only fucked," harry counts on his right hand. he holds up four fingers. "four people. three guys, one girl."

"only four?" louis frowns. "but, i thought you had sex with, like, anything that has legs and is willing to shag you?"

"i know," harry looks up at the ceiling. "a lot of people think that."

"who was better? in bed?" louis asks cautiously. harry closes his eyes.

"the guys," he tells louis. "definitely the guys."

"do you top or bottom?" harry peaks an eye open and smiles a sideways smile at louis.

"depends... why?" louis shrugs, feeling embarrassed.

"i'm just wondering," he says honestly. "i've only ever had sex once. with a girl."

"but, you're gay," harry opens both of his eyes and turns on his side to face louis. louis is suddenly aware of just how close their bodies - their faces - are.

"i know," he answers. "that's how i found out i was gay."

[ yay smut is in the next chapter! can i get a hallelujah? ]


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